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" Do you ms. Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, take ms. Pilanthita anantrakul as your lawfully wadded wife?"

I looked into the eyes of the beautiful woman standing infront of me. She is impatiently waiting for me. Her eyes were teary. Tears were forming in her eyes they will come out as soon as I say "I Do". I looked behind to take a look at my dad for conformation. His eyes are teary. Then I turn to look around to the ataindents  they all my loved ones. my friends, my family her family. then what missing?

Then I turn to look at my beautiful bride who was now stressed cause I was taking so
long to answer. finally I said," I Do!"

Her tears finally fell down her eyes and a smile of happiness appeared on her face.

" Do you pilanthita anantrakul take the Rebecca patricia armstrong to be your lawfully wedded bride?"

Unlike me she said yes immediately.

"Yes, I do!" she smiled in happiness. The crowd went wild and started cheering us to kiss.

" I pronounce you spouses for life. You may kiss each other now"

she came closer to me. Then she put her hand on my waist and pulled me closer. As we both came closer she closed her eyes. so did I, I closed my eyes to feel only her lips. But a memory flushed by as I closed my eyes.

It was almost two years go when I woke up after bing unconcious for about two days. 

#flushback #

I woke in the same room sam was admitted. when I woke up I saw my dad waiting for me. Seeing him I was reminded how he killed my p'freen. I was so furious at the sight of him I started crying and asking him to go.

" go away! you killed her. you killed my p'freen. Go away! I don't wanna see you. Go away. gooooo!" i cried out.


I calm down a bit when I saw khun sam and mon arrive. When they arrived I started crying hugging p'mon.

" Is she really gone?.." I cried out..." What will happen to sam and kath? What am I gonna tell them?"

Khun sam just patted my head while p'mon hugged me tightly to comfort me.

After a bit khun sam said.." babe! Go get the doctor."

P'Mon followed. Leaving me alone with khun sam.

" Becky..!" She said a bit hesitantly." I think you should talk to your father."

" Why?" I asked wiping my tears in shock.

" He was the last person to see freen. He might something to tell you." She said.

" I have nothing to tell or hear from him." I turned to look at the window.

" Becky please. Consider my request. Talk to him. Atleast listen to what he has to say." Khun sam said.

" How could you say that? After what he did you want me to listen to him...!" I started crying again. I was so angry I can feel the rage growing inside of me.

" I know. Freen was my cousin. I knew her from my childhood. But I listen to him. And you should too. I advise you to listen to him. I will let him in. You don't have to see him just listen to him." Khun sam said.

It felt like a order. I couldn't do anything. I felt like my body was stuck to the bed. I looked at out the window. When I heard him come in. The door locked behind him.

" Becky! How are you?" He said.


" I know you don't love me anymore. But I still love you. and your happiness and safety is also what I value the most. That's why I could get myself to shoot your happiness. Freen is alive." He said.

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