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Chapter: 82



Dirk woke up to the sound of his rumbling stomach, feeling weak as he carefully untangled himself from Tricc's grasp. Sitting up in bed, he took a moment to collect his strength before heading to the closet to find something to wear. His stomach rumbled once more, eliciting a chuckle that he quickly stifled to avoid waking Tricc. Despite his hunger, he quietly rummaged through the closet, discovering a pair of shorts and a shirt. After dressing swiftly, he tiptoed out of the bedroom, leaving the door slightly ajar.

The hallway was deserted, the early morning hour ensuring that most of the manor's occupants were still asleep. Descending the stairs cautiously, Dirk avoided making any noise that might disturb the sleeping household. As he reached the bottom of the staircase, a light flickered on in the dining room at the far end. Squinting in the dim light, he scanned for any signs of movement before cautiously approaching the source.

Suddenly, the kitchen door swung open, revealing an Omega with a spoonful of food in her mouth. Startled by Dirk's presence, she dropped the spoon and the ice cream cup she was holding, quickly composing herself and walking towards him with a bow of her head.

"Good morning, my Luna," she greeted, prompting a smile and a nod from Dirk.

"I am not your Luna yet, as the ceremony has not taken place," Dirk clarified, taking a seat at the table and focusing on the Omega.

She shook her head in disagreement. "You are our Alpha's mate, hence you are already our Luna," she asserted, chuckling softly. "What brings you down at this early hour?" she inquired, eyeing the dropped ice cream.

Noticing her gaze on the fallen treat, Dirk reassured her, "Feel free to finish your ice cream. I too have come down in search of food... I'm famished!"

The Omega chuckled cutely at his admission, nodding in understanding. "What would you like to have? I'll prepare it quickly," she offered, to which Dirk expressed his gratitude with a nod.

"Are you pregnant?" Dirk blurted out and the Omega burst into laughter. "I take that as a no then," he muttered, lowering his head. "I'm sorry," He mindlessly apologized.

"Oh, no, my Luna, do not apologize, I merely have this habit of waking up suddenly at night craving treats..." She told him, still laughing. "... And tonight-"

"You're up for some ice cream?" Dirk teased, to which she smiled and nodded softly. "Can I have a cup?" He requested, and she hurriedly fetched him a cup and a spoon from the kitchen. Upon her return, Dirk helped himself to a spoonful, savoring the creamy taste that melted in his mouth. "It tastes like angels singing in my mouth!" he exclaimed with contentment.

She chuckled, scooping a spoonful for herself and mimicking his reaction. "You are absolutely right, my Luna," she replied with a laugh.

As they indulged in their ice cream, conversation dwindled. By the time Dirk finished his cup, he realized his hunger persisted. "I still need food," he mentioned, prompting a giggle from her. With their cups and spoons collected, she informed him, "Give me ten minutes. But first, I'll prepare you a tea my mother used to make; it'll help you relax until the food is ready." Dirk nodded appreciatively, grateful for her assistance in satisfying his hunger.

Relaxing into his chair he looked around the spacious room. The night enveloped the manor in a blanket of silence, a stark contrast to its bustling daytime activities. Dirk found solace in the peaceful atmosphere. The Omega returned with a steaming mug, her smile still present as she placed it in front of him, encouraging him to try it. Stirring the tea with a small spoon, Dirk watched the steam rise before taking a careful sip. The tea was as exquisite as the ice cream, bringing him comfort and warmth with each taste.

Relaxing into the moment, Dirk savored the tea slowly, enjoying each sip from the comforting mug. Setting it down, he expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, I feel quite full now." However, a wave of sudden tiredness washed over him. Shaking his head to dispel the drowsiness, he blinked heavily and yawned, feeling the weight of drowsiness pulling at him. Helplessly, he found himself leaning towards the dining table, overcome by a deep sense of fatigue.

"Are you feeling alright?" She inquired, standing beside him. Dirk tried to speak but found no words emerging. "Would you like some help getting to your bedroom?" she offered once more, and he managed a nod. The Omega glanced around the room, ensuring no one was observing them, before assisting him to his feet and guiding him towards the workers' wing.

Knowing that all were asleep and the back entrance gate was often unguarded due to its infrequent use, she decided to take Dirk in that direction, hoping that they would be ready when she arrived. Although Dirk was able to walk with some effort, she bore a significant portion of his weight, causing her to grow breathless quickly. Out in the chilly night air, she hastened towards the gate, finding it unattended as planned.

Having unlocked it earlier in the day, just as she had for the past week, she had been waiting for the opportune moment. Tonight happened to be that night. While preparing the tea and lacing it with sleeping pills, she recalled the vampire she had admired since encountering him two weeks ago. His affection had made her feel valued and embraced, and she was willing to perform any task for him. When he promised to take her as his bride in exchange for delivering Dirk, she seized the chance without hesitation, devising her plan meticulously.

The gate squeaked open as she passed through with Dirk's limp form in her arms. Spotting the waiting car that had lingered in place for days, the driver hurried out upon seeing her, assisting with Dirk and settling him in the back seat before driving off silently, without a word to the Omega.

Mercy returned through the gate, closing it behind her before swiftly tidying up the dining room and disposing of the ice cream cups. Satisfied with her work, she retired to her room and drifted off to sleep.

Come morning, she anticipated news from her adored vampire.


As Dirk blinked his blurry eyes open, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, disoriented and struggling to make sense of his surroundings. The hall he was in was dilapidated, with peeling walls and high windows that seemed unreachable. His vision cleared gradually, revealing that he was tied to an iron chair, his hands and feet bound tightly behind him. A groan escaped his lips as he attempted to free himself, realizing he had been unconscious for an unknown period of time.

Questions raced through his mind as he tried to recall how he had ended up in this predicament. The last memory he had was in the manor's dining room, awaiting his ice cream. Everything else was blank, leaving him confused and anxious. Struggling against his restraints, he was startled by the door creaking open, heralding the entrance of Malta, wearing a sinister smile as he approached Dirk.

Taunting him with a cruel grin, Malta's presence only fueled Dirk's anger and confusion. Wasn't Malta supposed to be dead, defeated by his mates in their previous encounter? How was he now standing before him, unscathed and full of malice?

"You're thinking so loud I can hear you clearly," Malta mocked, circling Dirk to ensure the restraints were secure. "I'm sure your mates will be shocked to find out that not only did I survive, but I've kidnapped you, and this time, I won't release you until you're dead!" His threat hung heavily in the air as he positioned himself behind Dirk, his gaze cold and calculating.

Dirk's anger flared as he glared at Malta, his eyes reflecting his fury. The sight of his enemy ignited a deep rage within him, the desire to shift into his Lion form and confront Malta head-on overwhelming him. Yet, to his dismay, he found himself unable to access his primal side, his internal beast dormant and unresponsive. A sense of abandonment and fear crept over him, a chilling realization that left him vulnerable in the face of his enemy.

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