Chapter 54 - Not today

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2 clear lines.... She's pregnant.

Part of me wants to be over the moon, part of me is over the moon, me and the person that means the absolute world to me are having a baby together, but the other part of me wants to be worried, and nervous, I'm too young to have a child and this is going to be a big, life long commitment.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear Lucy sniffle. She's crying. I take her hand in mine to comfort her.

"It'll be okay Luc, it will. I promise you" I say softly.

"But we're going to have a child Brad, we're still young a - and" she pauses.

"And you're in a band that tours and you're becoming really successful, you'll be away lots, we're not ready for this Brad" she bursts into tears again.

"We will work things out, I will be here for you and our baby as much as I can be, you can both come on tours with us, it'll be okay. We are young but we can make it work" I speak.

We walk out of the bathroom back into Lucy's room and sit on the bed together.

"Why don't we go out and do something, go shopping and have dinner?" I suggest, in hope that it can help take Lucy's mind of her worries about the situation and that she can relax a bit.

After a few minutes of silence, she finally agrees. She stands up to sort out her hair and make-up and also quickly change her outfit. I also stand up and fix my hair, before making sure I have my phone and wallet.

Lucy's POV

I'm pregnant. I'm going to have a baby. I'm too young and Brad and I aren't ready. I don't know what to feel, I'm ecstatic that me and the love of my life are going to have a child together, but I'm worried, worried about how things will work as we're both so young, and as Brad's in a band that goes round touring and has lots of work commitments. I'll be left to look after our child on my own a lot, it's going to be hard. What if Brad leaves me? Would he leave me?

I'm pulled from my thoughts by the sound of Brad's voice.

"Why don't we go out and do something, go shopping and have dinner?" He suggests. I don't know if I want to, I know he's probably doing it to help me take my mind off of things and just enjoy myself a bit but I don't know what I want to do at the moment. I mean having a baby is a big deal and I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with this.

After a few moments I realise I still haven't answered so I agree to go, after all he's just trying to make me happy.

I stand up from my bed and sort out my hair and make up and change my clothes as it's quite hot outside.

After about 20 minutes we're both ready so we leave to walk to town. The walks quite peaceful, Brad and I just walking hand in hand, we're not talking much but we don't need to.

"Where do you want to go first?" Brad asks me.

"I don't mind, you choose" I smile at him.

I follow wherever he takes us, to find he's taken us to TopShop. He knows it's one of my favourite shops, that must be why.

We walk around and I find a few tops I like and I also pick up a pair of skinny jeans. We head to the tills to pay as Brad takes his wallet out his pocket.

"You're not paying Brad" I say.

"I am" he looks at me, opening up his wallet taking his bank card out.

"You're not" I say sternly.

"I am" he replies.

"This stuff is all for me, I'm paying, end of" I say to him. Despite this, he keeps his card in his hand. I take my purse out of my handbag and take my bank card out. Soon after it's our turn to pay so we walk over to the free till where I put my things on the counter.

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