Chapter 14 - I promise you

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Its now 11:56 Monday morning, Me, Ells and Grace are in my room, she's helping me choose an outfit for when I go out later with Brad. After about 20 minutes, we still haven't decided so Ells takes Grace downstairs to play while I have a shower. I wash my hair and body before getting back out. As I got back in my room I noticed that I had a few texts. 

1 message from Brad

I'll come round and get you at 7 :) See you later x

1 message to Brad

No problem, see you then :) x

1 message from Charl

Parents said I can come round next Wednesday and come home Sunday/Monday :) x

1 message to Charl

Yay! Can't wait to see you again! I'll let mum know when she gets in x

1 message from Con

I might ask Ells today, what are you two doing? :) x

1 message to Con

Awh, go for it :) We're looking after Grace till mum finishes work later tonight, you can come round if you want? We're going to the park in a bit x

1 message from Dad

Sorry I've not replied, I've been busy with work :( You're welcome for the note, Say hi to them for me, even though Charley is gone now, miss you, love you xx

1 message to Dad

It's okay, I understand :) I will do :) Love you too, hope works ok xx

I put my phone down on the bedside unit while I got myself changed, I put on a pink playsuit and applied my normal make up, I blow-dried my hair before straightening it and leaving it down for the day. I walked over to my door calling Ells to bring Grace up so I could get her ready whilst Ells gets herself ready. I put the white dress I bought Grace on her and some white pumps. I took her back down into the living room after grabbing my phone, leaving her in there to watch tv or play with her toys while I made her some lunch. I made her some chicken nuggets and potato waffles. I put some chicken nuggets and chips in there for me and Ells and after about 10 minutes she joined Grace in the living room. I sat at the table while it was cooking so I didn't burn any of it. I scrolled through twitter on my phone and favorited the odd few tweets. 

Once our lunch was cooked I dished it all up and got Ells to bring Grace in and we all sat at the table eating. Half way through eating my phone lit up and I had a text from Con. 

1 message from Con

Ah okay :) I'll be over in a bit, can the boys come? x

1 message to Con

Of course they can haha, see you soon x

It wasn't long till we had all finished so I packed our plates and cutlery into the dishwasher and gave Grace a yoghurt for her desert. Once she finished it, I cleaned up her hands and wiped off the tray of her highchair before taking her out so she could play again. As I walked into the living room there was a knock at the door so I went to open it where I found Connor, James and Tris. 

'Hello' I smiled as they walked in. 

'Hi Lucy' they each gave me a hug before they walked in the living room. 

'Hi Ellie' I heard Connor say. Grace started laughing too so I guess one of the boys picked her up or tickled her. I shut the door and walked into the living room taking a seat on the sofa. Tris was playing with Grace on the floor and James sat next to me. Con sat next to Ells and started chatting with her. 

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