Chapter 29 - I'm going to miss you

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Last night the boys stayed for Chinese and Brad tried to teach Con and I how to skateboard, it didn't go very well though. I'm now sat in the living room with mum, we're sat watching some series off of netflix, i wasn't paying attention when she said what it was. Just as one of the episodes finished my phone buzzed.

1 message from Suzie

Hey Luc, Me and Kian were wondering if you and Brad wanted to come on a double date with us tonight? xx

1 message to Suzie

I'll ask Brad, it sounds fun :) How've you been? xx

A double date sounds fun, I'll miss Suzie while we're on tour, I'll have to ask Joe if she can come to one of the dates. I decide to get a drink, asking mum if she wants one before walking out to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. While the kettles boiling I pull out my phone to text Brad.

1 message to Brad

Fancy coming to starbucks with me in a bit? xx

I finished making the cups of tea, walking back into the living room handing mum hers. We played the next episode agreeing its the last one for the day. Half way through my phone buzzed with a reply from Brad. 

1 message from Brad

Of course :) An hour? xx

1 message to Brad

Sure :) See you soon & I may bring a little person ;) xx

Once the episode had finished I asked mum about taking Grace to Starbucks with me and Brad before going upstairs to get ready. I grabbed a towel to have a shower. I made sure it was only a quick one since I had about 45 minutes before I was meeting Brad. I searched through my wardrobe for an outfit, deciding on some ripped skinny jeans with a grey jumper. I paired it with my black vans. I straightened my hair and applied the usual make-up. I found Grace downstairs so I told her we'd be going to see Brad and she ran to me, I assumed it was to get dressed so I took her upstairs putting some patterned grey leggings with a grey polka dot blouse and grey cardigan. I put her black pumps on her and left her straight brown hair down. 

It wasn't cold today so neither of us needed a coat. On our way back downstairs I grabbed my bag. We walked into the front room. I sat for about 5 minutes before checking my phone and seeing that it was time to go. We said a quick bye to mum and dad before leaving. I saw Brad walking down his driveway so we waited at the end for him. 

'Hey' He smiles as he walks up to us. Before we get a chance to hug, Grace clinged onto his legs. She must of missed him. Brad lifts her up to give her a hug before putting her back down and hugging me. We all start walking to Starbucks. 

After about 5 minutes Brad starts chasing Grace leaving me following. I pull out my phone and took a photo of them, posting it on twitter. 

@Lucy_Wells: They're like best friends haha @TheVampsBrad

We soon reached Starbucks and we ordered our drinks before finding a table. 

'Are you doing anything tonight?' I look over to Brad.

'Don't think so, how come?' He asks me, confused. 

'Suzie asked if we want to go on a double date' I reply. 

'Sounds fun' He smiles. 

'So you'll go?' I ask. 

'Of course I will' 


It's 5:30 and I'm getting ready for the double date. I've decided to wear a black t-shirt dress. I paired it with my black ankle boots. I also put my turqouise necklace on. I decided on using my black, average sized bag since it goes well with the outfit and pinned my hair to one side after making it wavy. I applied some make up before texting brad to see if he was ready. 

1 message to Brad

Are you ready yet? I'll be over in 5 xx

1 message from Brad

Yeah I'm ready :) xx

 I grab my bag going downstairs saying bye to mum and dad and leaving to go to Brads.

'You look amazing' Brad smiles as he opens the door. 

'Not even a hello' I joke, 'You don't look so bad yourself' I laugh. 

'Hello' He smiles. 

'Hey' I laugh. 'We need to go' I give him a quick hug before we start the walk to Suzie's. 

We intertwine our hands as we walk and just talk about random things on our way and before we know it, we arrive at Suzie's. I knock on her door and after about a minute she answers. 

'Hellooo' She smiles and pulls me into a hug. 

'Hellooo' I smile back. 

'Hey Brad' She quickly hugs him after we've pulled away. 

'Hey Suzie' He smiles. 

Since she's still waiting on Kian to finish with his hair and getting ready, we all go in and sit in the living room and after 5 minutes, Kian's finally ready and enters the room saying hello to me and Brad. 

'Have you called the taxi?' Kian looks at her. 

'Yeah it'll be here in a couple of minutes' She replies. 

We sit talking for a couple of minutes and as Suzie said, the taxi turned up so we all left and headed for it. 

Brad and I sit at the back and Suzie and Kian sit opposite us. The driver starts the journey to the restaurant and we all sit having our own conversations. 


It's now 7pm and we've all finished our meals and are ready to leave. It's been an amazing night. 

'When do you guys leave for tour?' Suzie asks Brad. 

'Monday' Brad replies. 

'Hope it all goes okay' She smiles. 'Bet you're going to miss him Luc' She looks over at me. 

'I'm going to miss you' I reply. 

'You're going?' She raises her eyebrows. 

'Joe agreed the other day' I start. 'We'll ask him about getting you two tickets for a show' I smile. 

'We're coming to the Birmingham date you plonker' She laughs. 

'That's one date and that's closer to the end of the tour, I'll want to see you earlier!' I laugh. 

'Truee' She replies.

We all leave the restaurant and find a taxi to take us back to Suzies. 

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