Chapter 44 - Voicemail

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Ell's POV

I haven't spoken to Lucy in a couple of days, I had to go back to Brighton for a few days and now I'm in London. Since it's the weekend, she might be able to come to London to spend it with us. We're currently in a hotel, Charl and I are sharing a room since we both came here with the boys, Brad and Con are sharing a room and Tris and James are sharing a room. Joe doesn't know about me and Con or James and Charl, or Tris and Megan for that matter, he only knows about Brad and Lucy since they were together first. I pull out my phone and decide to call Luc. I scroll through my contacts, clicking on Luc.

I held the phone up to my ear, waiting for it to start ringing. That didn't happen though, it went straight to voicemail. I try calling again but it still goes straight to voicemail. I hang up and type out a text instead.

1 message to Luc

Hey Luc, I've tried calling but it goes straight to voicemail. Are you okay? Fancy coming up to London for the weekend? We miss you xx

I click send but the worry builds inside of me when the text doesn't send, I click retry multiple times hoping it'd just be bad connection in the hotel, but even standing near the window, the message won't send.

'Charl' I speak up.

'Yeah?' She looks up from her phone towards me.

'Have you spoken to Luc?' I ask her.

'Not since the other day, why?' She looks confused.

'I can't get hold of her, her phones going straight to voicemail and no texts are sending' I sigh.

'Has Brad spoken to her?' She starts, 'He must have' She finishes, she has a point, they're a couple and without fail they talk everyday.

'I'll go ask him' I reply, they need to leave for a meeting in about 20 minutes so I need to be quick.

I leave the hotel room, walking along the corridoor to Brad and Con's room. A few minutes after knocking, Connor opens the door, smiling at me.

'Hey' He smiles, pulling me into a hug.

'Hey' I reply, half smiling.

'What's up?' he asks.

'I'm kind of worried about Lucy, I can't get hold of her' I sigh. 'Calls go to voicemail and texts aren't sending'

'Hmm, that's odd, I'll try calling' He replies, furrowing his eyebrows before taking his phone out of his pocket.

'Brad' I call, he's sat on the bed on his phone.

'Yeah?' he asks, looking over at me.

'Have you spoken to Lucy?' I ask him, hoping he has.

'Not since this morning, why?' He looks confused.

'My texts aren't sending to her and calls are going to voicemail, I'm slightly worried'

Without answering, he stands up off the bed, wandering around the room while trying to phone Lucy, or at least I guess that's who he's calling. I assume he got no answer because he kept putting the phone back up to his ear after a couple of seconds.

'Why can't we get hold of her?' He sighs. 'We need to get back to Birmingham' He runs his hand through his curls.

'You have a meeting. Charl and I will go' I try and calm him, even though I'm stressing myself, it's not like Luc to not answer, she's always on her phone.

'I can't, I need to find out what's up with my girlfriend' He snaps.

'But you have a meeting Brad, I'll call you if we hear anything, I promise' I reply.

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