Chapter 26 - Lucy hurry up

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It's been 2 weeks since Brad came round. We had a nice day to be honest. Mum went to meet her friend after work so she didn't get in till late which meant we could spend longer together. 

The day after, me and Ells spent together, we hadn't really spent time together since she came down and we're best friends. She's back at home now so it's quieter round here. Connor's not the same either, well I don't really know, they've been in London for a few days, they had a show. They got back today, well they're all going back to their family homes since they have a weekend off. Connor lives in Birmingham, not sure where though because I've never been there. 

Megan let Charl move into the spare room in her apartment for a while. We've all arranged to go out to a club Brad knows about next Saturday so Ells has managed to let her mum allow her to come down that weekend. Brad and I have been on more dates - I didn't get ditched those times, and we are closer than we were before. I love him if I'm completely honest, but I don't know if he feels the same towards me, we'll see. 

Anyway, Dad's also back now from work, one of the bands he manages finished touring and he has just under a week with us. 

It's now 11:36 Saturday morning and I'm sat on my bed scrolling through Instagram on my phone. 

'Lucy hurry up' I hear mum call upstairs. 

I let out a big sigh before lifting myself from my bed walking over to my wardrobe deciding on an outfit. 

'We're going out for dinner, hurry yourself' She calls again

I pull on a pair of black jeans and throw my hogwarts top over my head before going to my dressing table to do my hair and make-up. I decide to go more natural today so apply minimal makeup before putting my hair up into a high ponytail. I grab my bag, phone and Harrington before going downstairs letting mum and dad know I'm ready. 

We all walk to mums car, Dad carrying Grace. After jumping in and we're all strapped in mum starts the car and we drive to a restaurant just outside town. We are shown to a table before we all sit looking through the menu. Mum chooses a simple kids meal for Grace. 


An hour and half later we had all finished and were back home. I was scrolling through random apps on my phone before a text from Brad came through. 

1 message from Brad

Hey Luc, did you want to meet up today? I can meet you in Starbucks at half 3? xx

1 message to Brad

Yeah sure :) How was London? xx

I check the time, 2:45, I have about 25 minutes before I need to leave so I scroll through twitter before applying my normal make-up. I don't feel comfortable around the boys without my normal make-up. 

At about 3:15 I leave the house making sure I have everything I need. I take a slow walk to town to meet Brad at Starbucks. I plug my earphones in scrolling through my music clicking 'Jessie J ft Ariana and Nicki Minaj Bang Bang'. 

The walk isn't too long and I arrive a couple of minutes early so I order a drink before taking a seat. 

Once I see Brad walk in, I unplug my earphones putting them in my bag before taking a sip of my drink as he sits down opposite me. 

'Hello' He smiles. 

'Hiya' I lean over the table to give him a quick hug. 

We sit talking for a while before deciding to take a walk through town. After about 5 minutes Brad takes the lead and we end up at a little lake with a bench and a mini field. It looks quite romantic if you ask me. We sit down on the bench before Brad turns to me. 

'I - I've been wanting to ask you for a while Lucy' He starts, stuttering his words. 

'What is it?' I ask him, furrowing my eyebrows. 

'Well I - uh - I' He takes a breath. 

'Would you be my girlfriend?' He looks down playing with his hands. 

'Yes Brad, I'd love to' I smile. 

'Really!' He raises his eyebrows. 

'Yes Brad, of course I'll be your girlfriend' I laugh. 

He takes my hand as we stand up. He pulls me into a hug after planting a quick kiss on my forehead. 

'I've missed you' He looks at me as we pull away from the hug before giving me another kiss. We sit talking for about 20 minutes before deciding to leave.

'Did you want to come back to mine for tea? Mum was asking about you the other day?' I ask him as we walk hand in hand away from the lake. 

'I'd love to' He replies. 

Shorter chapter - Brad and Lucy are finally a couple! I promised Megan and Ells an update so here it is. Hope you all like it :) 


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