Chapter 37 - I can't leave the house

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When I got to Megan's I explained everything that happened and she was happy that Brad and I had sorted things out, she knew we would eventually. We sat and had a gossip for a while and danced to a few songs, which probably annoyed Tris, but he didn't seem to mind so we carried on.

I'm now back at home, Brad's also here and we're watching Frozen with Grace, she begged us to put it on. We're snuggled on the sofa and Grace has her head rest on mine, it's quite cute actually.

I start humming along to the songs but stop when I hear Brad chuckle slightly, I tilt my head up to see him smiling down at me.

'What?' I ask him.

'You're humming to the songs' He smiles.

Instead of answering I look back to the tv as I feel my cheeks fill with heat.

'Why are you embarrassed? It's cute' He rests his head on mine quickly.

'It's embarrassing' I reply.

'Cute' He simply answers, I'm not arguing over whether it's embarrassing or cute so I leave it there and we can both have our own opinions on it.


The films now finished and Grace is asleep, it's 9 though so I'm not surprised, she's had quite a busy day today and she has Nursery tomorrow.

'Have you had dinner yet?' Brad asks. Actually, I had forgotten that I hadn't eaten, I made Grace dinner earlier but I wasn't hungry.

'Nope' I smile.

'Do you fancy Chinese?' He looks down at me.

'I can't leave the house' I frown.

'I'll go and get it you plonker' He laughs.

'Are you sure? I can cook something' I smile.

'I wouldn't of asked if I wasn't, of course I'm sure' he smiles.

'I was only being nice' I laugh and lay my head on his chest.

'I know you were' he laughs. 'I'll go now then or it'll get too late, what do you want?'

I told him some of the things I like, Egg Fried Rice and Salt and Pepper chicken and he's now gone off to get it. I have missed him, I forget about everything when I'm with him, and no matter how much I tried to hide it throughout the tour, deep down I really was hurt and I was missing, I was just trying to forget about things, but I just couldn't.

I turned the normal tv back on and since there wasn't anything on, I put on a music channel, you can't go wrong with music. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through twitter, making a quick tweet before scrolling through more tweets.

@Lucy_Wells: Grace fell asleep during Frozen bless her, she keeps a smile on my face :)

As I was scrolling through my timeline, I saw a photo of Brad on my timeline about 10 times and the 11th, or more, I didn't count. I opened it to see what it was because in the photo he's wearing the same outfit as he just left the house in. The photo was of a group of girls mobbing Brad. My heart dropped at the photo, he was being mobbed because of me. I should of kindy said no to his offer because he is in a band and sometimes I forget that. I feel so bad. I scroll through my contacts until I get to Brad, I click his name and put the phone to my ear, hoping he'd get the chance to answer it. Stupid idea of me though because how can he answer a phonecall in a mob? I decide to text Connor instead.

1 message to Connor

Hey Con, have you seen the photos on twitter? x

Almost instantly he replies.

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