Chapter 22 - I miss you

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I woke up this morning with the sun shining through a tiny gap in my curtains. I roll over and lift my phone off my bedside unit and check the time, 9:45am. Had a small lay-in. I noticed I had a text from Connor so I opened it up.

1 message from Connor

Hey Luc, what time should I come round, me and the boys have a meeting at 3 x

1 message to Connor

I've just woken up so give me an hour and I'll be ready :) x

I lifted myself up out of bed, as much as I didn't want to. I grabbed a towel before going into the bathroom for a shower. I quickly wash myself, including my hair before stepping out and drying my body. I wrap one towel securely round my body, and another around my hair before walking back to my bedroom.

Walking over to my wardrobe, I open the doors and look at my clothes for a minute, thinking about what I want to wear. I start searching through before I finally decide on an outfit.

I pull on a pair of dark blue denim shorts and a slogan t-shirt I found. I close the wardrobe doors as I make my way to my dressing table where i blow-dry my messy, wet hair. I sit for a moment deciding on how i want my hair. I really don't know. I've had it down a lot recently so I've decided on having a pony tail, but after curling it.

I apply my normal make-up before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs where I find mum sat with Grace. Ells must still be asleep, that reminds me, she goes home in a few days. Megan stayed at Brads last night and she's going out today to find a flat somewhere near. Before saying hello to anyone I go to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of orange juice and then head into the living room saying morning to everyone.

"Where's Charl?" I ask confused.

"She said she went out with James" Ells looks over at me.

"Ahh" I laugh.

"Connor's popping over in a bit" I inform everyone who's still sat in their pyjamas. Ells face instantly lights up before she runs off to get ready.

"I heard from dad this morning" mum looks at me.

"Did he say when he gets to come home?" I ask, hoping that I'd get to see my dad soon.

"3 days" she smiles "one of the bands are just finishing a mini tour and he has one meeting to attend before he can come home" she adds.

"Ahh ok" I smile, now extremely excited I finally get to see him again after what seems like forever.

I check my phone to see what time I sent Connor a text. Near enough an hour ago, he'll be here anytime now. I sit watching tv and on my phone for about 5 minutes before I hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it" I smile as I stand up from the sofa ready to open the door.

"Hello" Connor sings as he walks in the door, gosh, how can he be so happy this early, i say early but it's nearly 11am, yeah, still early for me!

"Hello" I reply. He follows me into the living room and says hello to my mum and Grace before taking a seat next to me on the sofa.

"So how are you?" He asks me.

"I'm good, how are you?" I look at him.

"Happy to hear, I'm good" He smiles.

"Thats good, you're always happy" I laugh.

"I try" he laughs back.

Brad's pov

Since I found out my ex's brother kidnapped Lucy, all I've been thinking about is what I can do to make it up to her. I feel extremely bad, I knew that he was looking for me, but I never thought he'd do anything to Lucy, in fact, how does he even know about Lucy? I haven't tweeted for a few days, I haven't been on twitter for a few days, I pick my phone up off my bed and load up twitter.

Without looking at my mentions, I search for any indirects to do with Brad, or The Vamps. Suddenly the thought comes to me to look through any photos linked to them topics.

I see lots of people tweeting photos of me, with a girl, the girl being Lucy. That night, our date night when I got told to leave, the fans outside had took photo's of me with her and assumed we were together, like a couple. I mean I love Lucy, but we're not a couple.

I notice that you can see clearly what "the girl" also known as Lucy, was wearing. So that's how he knew about her. You can also see part of the restaurants name so it definitely wasn't hard for him to find us.

I decide to send Lucy a text.

1 message to Lucy

Luc, I need to talk to you, please? Just hear me out. I miss you. X

Lets just hope she replies.

A/N - sorry it's a short one. I've not had much time to write a new chapter since starting school again. How's all your first few days/week back been?

I'll try to get a new, longer chapter updated tomorrow for you, maybe even two. Hope you like it


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