Chapter 51 - Last night

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Brad's POV

In the heat of the moment, Lucy and I both forgot about protection. We have a problem here and I'm not so sure what we're going to do about this, I mean I know we're both out of school and working, but we're still not ready for a baby, hopefully we've had a lucky escape, but if not, I'm not sure what we're going to do. 

'What are we going to do?' Lucy asks after minutes of silence after my sudden outburst of our mistake. 

'I don't know Lucy, what can we do?' I snap. I don't mean to be angry at her, I'm annoyed, annoyed at myself for forgetting to use a condom. 

'Brad, calm down we'll get this sorted' she tries to comfort me but the thought of us having a child, being parents in 9 months is terrifying me. 

I sit back on the bed after pacing around the room for a while. She wraps her arm around me, resting her head on my shoulder. I lower my head so it's resting on hers too. 


'I'm going for a shower, back in a minute' I smile, planting a quick kiss on her lips.

I stand under the water for around 5 minutes, washing myself and washing my hair before stepping back out. I wrap a towel around my bottom half before walking back into my room. Lucy's now fully dressed sat infront of my mirror applying some make up. She notices me and stares at me for a minute. 

'What?' I ask, slightly laughing at her. 

'Oh, erm sorry' she awkwardly laughs turning her head back to the mirror. I walk over to my wardrobe, grabbing some jeans and a grey jumper as well as some clean underwear before walking back to the bathroom to get changed. 

I return back to my bedroom, fully dressed to find a now fully dressed Lucy sat on my bed on her phone. I walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her before planting a kiss on her cheek. She turns her head and smiles at me. 

'What are your plans for today?' I ask her. 

'Suzie's coming over at some point we've not seen much of each other since her holiday and Kian took her away for a few days as an early christmas present, what are you up to?' she looks over at me quickly. 

'I don't know to be honest' I laugh. 

'You're welcome to come to mine' she smiles. 

'Are you sure?' I ask, she might want time with Suzie. 

'I wouldn't of offered if I wasn't' she jokes. 

I roll my eyes as I stand up from the bed, grabbing my phone and making my way to the door. 

'Where are you going?' she calls after me. 

'Downstairs' I laugh before walking into the kitchen, pouring us both a glass of orange juice and making my way into the living room to wait for her. 

After a few minutes, she appears in the living room, her hair now up. She takes a seat next to me, picking up her glass of juice and taking a sip. I look towards her and a smile creeps onto my face, she looks at me, furrowing her eyebrows.

'What are you smiling at?' she asks. 

'You' I smile.

'Stop' she giggles, covering her face with her hand. 

'I love you' I rest my hand on her thigh. 

'I love you too' she replies, taking her hand away from her face. 

'I need to get going, Suzie will be over soon and I need to get ready, are you coming?' she speaks after a few minutes of silence. 

'I guess I will' I joke. 

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