Chapter 52 - New hobby

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Lucy's POV

It's been around a week since our accident. So far there's been no symptoms of pregnancy but I guess it doesn't happen that quickly. Today me, Brad, Con, Ells, Tris, Megan, James, Charl, Suzie and Kian are all going out ice skating. I'm actually really looking forward to it. I grab a towel on my way to the bathroom to have a shower. 

10 minutes later I'm finished, I kind of got distracted by the warmth of the water and didn't want to get out. Once I returned to my room, I dried myself off before deciding on a suitable outfit. I pull out an oversized jumper and a pair of skinny jeans, pulling them on before sorting out my hair. I blow dried my partin in before drying the rest of my hair. I then plugged my straighteners in and began straightening my hair before pinning 2 pieces back. I then applied some make up, the usual foundation, concealer and mascara but also applied some blusher and bronzer, lip gloss and flicked eyeliner. 

Soon after I'm finished, my phone buzzes. I walk over and grab it to check it. 

1 message from Brad

Can't wait for today! Is it alright to come over now? xx

1 message to Brad

Me too! Of course it is :) xx

Within minutes there was a knock at the door so I went down to answer it, revealing Brad who if I must say, looks very hot. He smiles at me before pulling me into a hug. 

'Hello' he speaks into the hug. 

'Hey' I smile as we pull away. 

 'Are you excited for today?' he smiles as we walk up the stairs towards my room.

'Yeah! Are you?' I look at him as I sit on my bed. 

'Very' he replies before sitting down next to me. 

We sit around talking about anything and everything for about half an hour before leaving to meet the others.

"I think we should all go for a meal after this" Brad suggests as we turn onto another road.

"We should" I smile.

After about 10 more minutes of walking, Brad and I reached Starbucks where we found everyone waitimng.

"Are we all ready then?" Con speaks up before we all nod and make our way to the Ice Rink.

Con and I walk at the back, talking about Christmas.

"I can't wait to decorate the tree!" He smiles excitedly like a little kid.

"Me either!" I reply equally as excited as him.

"We need to make sure we all see each other too" he looks at me.

"We will Con, we definitely will." I smile at him.

"Luc" I hear Suzie call from in front.

"Yeah" I look forward to her.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" She asks once Con and I are caught up.

"Probably having a lazy day" I shrug. I feel Brad's hand link with mine as we all continue walking.

Soon we reach the Ice rink and all sit down putting our Ice Skates on after paying.  Tris and Megan are the first ready so they set off skating and giggling. Not long after, the rest of us are ready.

Brad holds his hand out for me to take, helping me stand up before pulling me along. He turns his head sending me a quick smile before turning back.

We skate around together for a few minutes before bumping into Tris and Megan. Megan and I go off skating, leaving Tris and Brad.

"You and Brad look so cute together" she smiles as we glide through the ice rink together. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks as a small smile appears on my face.

"So do you and Tris" I smile.

We spend around 10 minutes together before finding our boyfriends again. They're sat just outside the rink talking. I skate along to Brad before pulling him up and back into the rink.

We do a few spins and compare each others skating skills, Brad ends up giving in and agrees that I'm the better one out of us.

After around another half an hour, this time of us all skating together we decide to leave and go for a meal, to the beloved Nandos.

The walk is quite short from here, the boys walked off in front leaving us girls behind. We all walk, talking and laughing. Before we know it, we reach Nandos and all find a table towards the back. We sit down, looking through the menus before ordering our meals. 

Once we're sat back down, we all talk about our plans until christmas and how we all need to see each other. 

"You should all come over one day" I suggest, mum and dad like them all so there's no problem with them coming over. 

"We could do, boxing day?" Ells asks. 

"Sounds good to me" I smile. I pull out my phone to check it and have a text from mum. 

1 message from Mum

Hi Luc, could  you look after Grace for me for a couple of hours while I head out to do some christmas shopping please? You can bring everyone back xx

1 message to Mum

We're just at Nandos waiting for our food but I'll be back asap, 45 minutes tops xx

"Do you guys all fancy coming back to mine after this?" I ask, hoping at least some of them say yes.

A series of nods and yes's come from them all so we agree to leave once we've finished. After around 5 more minutes of waiting, our meals come. We all tuck into them, devouring them. Silence fills the table other than the odd sounds of cutlery scraping a plate, or clinging together. 


"What do you want to do?" I ask Grace as I sit on the sofa. 

"Play" she replies. 

"What do you want to play?" I ask. 

"I want to play dolls, with Brad" she runs over to Brad, grabbing his hand and pulling him to get him to play. 

"Have fun" I joke to him. 

She takes him across the room and starts playing with her dolls, after a few minutes she comes running back over. 

"Connor" she mumbles walking over to him. He looks up from his phone to her. 

"Can you play too?" She asks. 

"Sure can" he smiles, locking his phone putting it on the table before walking over to her toys. I grab my phone, unlocking it and loading up camera. I take a photo of Brad, Connor and Grace before uploading it to twitter. 

@Lucy_Wells: Brad and Con found a new hobby 

I also tag them before closing the app and locking my phone again. I look over at Ells who has a mischevious look on her face. I give her a confused look before she smirks, stands up, grabbing Cons phone on the way and plonking herself next to me. She unlocks it loading up camera before holding it out to take selfies. 

We both pull stupid faces as she takes what seems like a thousand selfies. Once we've finished she closes camera and locks the phone, putting it back where it was previously. 

A/N - Sorry it's been sooo long. I've had writers block and also been busy with school and stuff. Then I decided it'd be awesome to get ill in my half term. 

I'm also sorry that it's awful, it's kind of a filler and gets better in a few chapters, but heres an update. Hope you like it! 

Also, comment and vote, I want to know your thoughts on this because I'm slowly losing motivation to write it. 

Next update at 15 comments :)


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