Chapter 43 - Take a break

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Lucy's POV

Brad's off in London at the moment, he's been there for a couple of days now, they had a few meetings and they have some shows up there so they're there for another week or so I think. I slump onto the sofa and relax, putting a music channel on the tv to run in the background before pulling my phone out and scrolling through twitter.

There's all the usual boring stuff on my timeline, but after a few minutes of scrolling, something catches my eye. 

@brxdsgurl: omg what the fuck are Brad and Lauren doing?

Brad and Lauren? There were rumours going round a while ago that they had a thing. What were they doing now though. After a debate with myself, I finally clicked on the photo, waiting for it to load.

My stomach dropped and my heart skipped a beat at the sight. They were embracing, they looked quite loved up. The sight killed me. I jumped up off the sofa, running up to my room. Without thinking, I grabbed a suitcase, packing clothes in it and any essential items I'd need.

Brad clearly doesn't want me if he does that behind my back, this is it. As I said before, some things are meant to be and now I've realised Brad and I were just not meant to be. I need to take a break from here. This seems like the right thing to do.

Before I knew it I had a fully packed suitcase, packed with anything I could need. Since Grace is at Nursery and mum is at work until 4 today, I quickly checked the time, 2:15pm. I ran downstairs with my suitcase and a handbag with my phone, purse, passport, phone charger and some things i'd need as hand luggage in. I ran into the kitchen grabbing a notepad and pen out of the drawer, writing a note for mum.

Mum, I've gone on a short break. I'll speak to you soon and I promise you everythings ok. I'll see you soon, love you, Dad and Grace xx

I unlock my phone after placing the note on the table, I dial a taxi which would be here in 20 minutes. I sit waiting unpatiently. The time seems to drag and after what feels like hours, the taxi is outside. I stand up, grabbing my bag and suitcase, leaving the house, locking up after me.

A/N - Woops, Brad and Lauren. Lucy's leaving, well, taking a break.

This is one of the last chapters of Golden but I will be making a sequel :)

Hope you enjoyed it


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