Chapter 4 - This is for you

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Brad stepped out of his house wearing black skinny jeans, an Arctic Monkeys t-shirt, black Doc Martens and a bowler hat on top of his brown curls.

'Hiya' He smiled as he walked down his driveway.

'Hello' I smiled back.

He gave me a quick hug before kneeling down giving Grace a hug.

'Let's go to Town' he said.

'Let's go!' I said grabbing Grace's hand again that I let go of while she gave Brad a hug.

Brad was walking closest to the road whilst I was in the middle with Grace the other side of me. I reached into my bag pulling out the bottle of Vitamin Water I bought Brad earlier.

'This is for you' I smiled handing Brad the drink.

'Awh you didn't have to buy me a drink' He laughed.

'I bought me, you and Grace a drink earlier for while we were walking to Town, I didn't know how far it was' I laughed.

'Awh thank you' He said.

We carried on walking to the Town. I pulled out my phone and loaded front camera to take a selfie. I held out my phone and took a selfie, Brad stuck his tounge out while I just smiled. I loaded Twitter while writing a tweet.

@Lucy_Wells: Out shopping with Grace and @TheVampsBrad for the day :) x

I also included the picture before tweeting it and putting my phone back in my bag.

'Would you be able to show me where the Train Station is at some point today?' I asked Brad who was just taking a sip of his drink.

'You're not planning on leaving are you?' He laughed nearly spitting his drink out.

'No haha, my best friend from back home is coming on Friday and I have to meet her at the Station' I replied.

'Thought you was leaving then' He laughed 'Of course I can' He added,

'Thank you, and I couldn't leave, I like Birmingham too much' I smiled.

After about 15 minutes of walking Grace put her arms up to be carried so I lited her up and carried her for a while.

'Here let me take her before we get to Town' Brad smiled with his arms out.

'Let me take your drink then' we swapped, Brad took Grace and I took Brad's drink.

After about 2 more roads we reached Town. I saw Topshop and I wanted to go in there so we all walked in there and looked around. I found a top I liked and Brad found some Jeans that he wanted to get.

'Just put Grace down, she'll be fine now' I laughed.

'I was enjoying cuddles with her' He laughed as he stood her on the floor. The Jeans were skinny black jeans like the ones he had on. He also found a top he liked so once we had both picked the right sizes we headed to the tills and paid for our things.

We walked out the shop and Brad saw a shop he wanted to look in so we walked in there and he had a look round. It was another clothing shop but he didn't buy anything from there. I pulled my phone out of my bag as we walked out of the shop. I noticed I had a text from mum and a text from Ellie.

1 message from Mum

Look after Grace for me, have fun today :) xx

1 message to Mum

I am :) Brad carried her for a while on the way here because her legs were hurting and I had carried her for too long making my arms hurt :) xx

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