Chapter 2 - I've enjoyed today

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I followed Brad to his front door as he opened and stepped inside. His house is pretty much the same as mine, glass banister, most of the rooms white and large. No one else was in his house, which to be honest I was quite happy with because I'm not good with new people and I've only just met Brad.

'I'll put Grace on the sofa for a sleep if that's okay' He said.

'Of course it is!' I replied following him into the front room' I knelt down and gave Grace a quick kiss before I told her to try and have a nap.

'Do you want anything to drink?' Brad asked before walking into the Kitchen.

'I'm okay thank you' I smiled

I took a seat next to Grace on the sofa where she leant into me and started to fall asleep. I pulled my phone out of my bag when it vibrated and showed up that I had a message.

1 message from Mum

Is there anything you wanted from the Shops while we're here? We're down Town as thats where we knew there would be a supermarket. xx

1 message to Mum

I'm okay thank you, I was thinking of popping to Town tomorrow anyway xx

Grace started dozing off and Brad was just in the kitchen making his drink, I closed my texts and opened Twitter just scrolling through. My timeline was really boring, nothing that interested me. I decided to tweet something to my followers.

@Lucy_Wells: Good first day in Birmingham, think I'm going to like it here x

I placed my phone beside me on the sofa as I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen before Brad walked in with a glass of Orange juice in one hand and a bowl of sweets in the other.

'Got these incase you fancied any' He smiled before taking a seat on the other sofa after turning the TV on putting a music channel on.

'Awh thank you' I smiled back.

Brad was so kind and I wish I met him years ago, it feels like we've known each other years. I'm happy he's my new neighbour because my old neighbours were all old and never spoke to me, they'd just give me a dirty look everytime I smiled at them. It's nice to have a neighbour my age that I can actually talk to.

'I've enjoyed today' he started as the adverts started on TV.

'It's been good' I smiled.

'I could show you round more of the area tomorrow if you want?' He suggested

'Umm yeah, only if you're not doing anything' I replied.

'Not got any plans, I'd only be stuck indoors on twitter' he laughed

'I'm usually on Twitter too' I laughed

'What's your Twitter?' He asked

'@Lucy_Wells' I replied.

He lifted his phone from the arm of the sofa and typed in my username. I grabbed my phone from next to me and loaded up the Twitter notification I recieved.

@TheVampsBrad followed you was the first thing I saw as I opened the Twitter app. Within seconds my phone blew up in mentions and lots of people were going mad that Brad had followed me.

'Brad you've made my phone go crazy' I laughed

'Here' he said as he took my phone from my hand doing something before passing it back. My notifications stopped showing up on my phone.

'Thanks' I smiled.

After a few minutes of scrolling through my notifications I realised why they were going so crazy.

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