Chapter 3 - We're Outside

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Before getting into bed, I quickly checked my phone where I had a text from Brad and a text from Ells. 

1 message from Ells

Mum said I can stay the week since we won't see each other as much now :) I've booked my Train ticket! Meet me at the Station for around 6pm Friday :) xx

1 message to Ells

I'm so happy! It's going to be amazing! Of course I'll meet you! xx

1 message from Brad

For girls it may be fun! I can play with her though and she gives me cuddles :) x

1 message to Brad

Admit it, I know you like Shopping! She takes all your energy though. ;) x

I set an alarm on my phone for 6am so I had time to get myself ready and make sure Grace was ready incase mum and dad aren't awake. I put my phone on my bedside unit after plugging it in to charge and tucked myself into bed after turning my light off and shutting my door.


*BEEP BEEP BEEP* the sound of my alarm woke me up. I sat up in my bed and took my phone to check Twitter. I had a text from Brad and Ells and a text from Mum.

I decided to read the one from Mum first because it was probably about this morning. 

1 message from Mum

Would you be okay getting Grace ready tomorrow morning? Your dad wants a lay in before unpacking and building the table xx

1 message to Mum 

That's fine :) I'll help with some unpacking when we get back, if not I'll get some done tomorrow xx

I checked the message from Ells next. 

1 message from Ells

Good ;) I'm not finding my own way to your house ;) You'll have to introduce me to Brad seeing as he'll be seeing me round lots. xx

1 message to Ells

I wouldn't leave you too anyway haha ;) I need Brad to show me to the Train Station first! I'll introduce you.. Only seeing as your my Bestie ;) xx

Lastly, the message from Brad.

1 message from Brad

If I'm honest, I do like a bit of shopping, not too much though :) She does, but cuddles make up for it ;) x

1 message to Brad

Well at least you admitted it ;) I'll try not to bore you today! Don't take all her cuddles! She needs to have some for me ;) x

I heard movement from Graces room so I put my phone on my bedside unit and walked to her room. I lifted her out of her cot and gave her a quick cuddle. I shut the door so I could get her dressed without waking mum and dad. 

I stood her on the floor while I got some clothes out for her to wear. I chose a light pink dress that comes to her knees, some white thrilly socks and I grabbed a hat just incase. I chose some white shoes with velcrow straps for her to wear. 

I quickly got her changed before taking her hand and going to my room to grab my phone before taking her downstairs to get some breakfast. 

'Want some toast Grace?' I asked her while strapping her in her high chair. 

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