Chapter 40 - Pounding headache

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Connor's POV

After the meal, Brad, Lucy, Ells and I all went back to Brad's house and spoke about the events of the evening. That's what we're doing now. It's 10:30 and we're all sat on the sofa's having one big discussion, I say big, there's 4 of us so it's not that big.

'So you two have eloped?' Brad asks looking between me and Ells. We both nod in agreement.

'When did this happen?' Lucy asks.

'Well, we were drunk and thought it would be funny...' I trail off. 'We didn't actually realise it was serious until the day after'

'Oh my gosh you two' Lucy laughs, brad joining her.

'Are you both happy though?' Brad asks us.

'I am, I'm not sure about Con though' Ells answers before looking at me. I couldn't get rid of the smile that grew on my face.

'I'm more than happy' I smile before reaching out and taking hold of her hand.

Lucy's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache this morning. I'm curently laying in bed scrolling through twitter on my phone with it on the lowest possible brightness so my eyes aren't straining. After about 5 minutes of trying to get the headache to go, I decide to drag myself out of bed and take some painkillers. Last night, Ells, Con and I all went back to Brad's with him and didn't leave till about half past midnight. We had a good time though.

I check the time on the clock in the hallway, 8:35am. Why am I awake this early. Suddenly I remembered that it's Thursday and the reason I'm the only one left in the house is because mum's at work, meaning Grace is already at Nursery, and in just over an hour I need to be at work. I pop a slice of bread in the toaster before going upstairs for a quick shower.

Once I'm finished in the shower, I step out, shivering slightly at the coldness but soon adjust to the temperature. I brush my teeth before walking back into my bedroom, pulling my work clothes out of my wardrobe before putting them on. I dry my hair, leaving it natural and putting it up in a ponytail leaving a piece of hair at each side of my face before beginning to apply my make up. I apply the usual concealer, foundation and mascara. I also decide on a pale lip gloss, grabbing my phone and bag, as well as my black vans before walking downstairs.

I quickly butter my toast, checking the time again once I've sat down to eat it and I have just under half an hour until I need to be there so I quickly finish up and get my shoes on ready to leave, locking the house behind me.


I'm now sat in Starbucks waiting for Brad, it's my lunch break and I don't have long, we arranged to meet before he had to travel to London tonight, they have a meeting or something up there, I don't really know.

It's not long before I recognise his scent and look towards the door to see him smiling at me. I send a quick smile before he begins walking over to me.

'Hey beautiful' he smiles, leaning down to give me a hug.

'Hey' I smile back at him.

'How's your day?' He asks me, taking a seat opposite me.

'Good I guess, don't feel well but i'm getting on with it' I slighly laugh.

'How don't you feel well?' He asks.

'Just generally don't feel well, I'll be fine soon' I smile. 'Hows your day?' I ask him.

'It's good, can't be bothered to go to London' He sighs.

'You have to' I frown. 'I'll miss you'

'Don't say that!' he laughs 'I won't go'

'I'll see you tomorrow' I smile. I will miss him tonight but I'll see him tomorrow which is a bonus and I also have tomorrow off work so I can see him as soon as he gets back.

'I guess' He smiles. 'What time does your lunch finish?' He looks at his phone quickly checking the time.

'15 minutes' I reply after looking at my phone, seeing the time.


We sit talking for a while before I remember that my parents still don't know we're together and we'll have to tell them sooner or later before they find out themself.

'Brad?' I look at him.

'Yeah?' He looks over at me.

'We - erm, we still need to tell my parents about us' I state.

'Oh god yeah' he replies. 'Why don't we tell them tomorrow or this weekend?' He asks. Well tonight Ells is staying over and I'm not sure on our plans for tomorrow so it'll probably have to be the weekend. I quickly try to think back to if I've made any plans for the weekend.

'Weekend sounds ok' I smile. 'I don't know how to tell them though' I laugh.

'I can tell them with you if you want?' He asks.

'It's up to you' I smile at him.


'Mum, Dad' I start, looking across the room at them. I send an awkward smile before continuing.

A/N - Updated before 10 votes because I felt nice, and also Megan wanted an update :)

Filler chapter, it's a boring one but at least it's something. I'll try and get a better chapter updated over the weekend and I'll try and stick to an updating routine so that you'll know when you'll be getting updates. (Although over christmas period, it'll change.

Hope you liked it, Vote, comment and share if you like it :)


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