Chapter 11 - She really likes you

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The time was now 5:27pm and I was just about to leave to meet Brad. I quickly said bye to mum before grabbing my bag making sure I had everything and made my way to the end of the driveway to meet Brad. He was already stood at the end of his driveway

We quickly hugged before we made our way to the train station. 

'Your mum's so nice' Brad smiled as we reached the end of our road. 

'Awh haha' I laughed

'Seriously, I was quite scared meeting her because I didn't know what she would be like, I thought she'd moan at me for spending so much time with you' he laughed.

'She's probably glad' I joked.

We carried on talking and after about 15 minutes we reached the station. We went to Costa while we waited since we have 15 minutes and sat just talking for about 10 minutes before we made our way towards the platform and waited for the girls. 

After a few minutes their train finally arrived and people piled out. I stood looking for them before I noticed Ells and waved at her. They began ranning towards us dragging their stuff behind them. 

'ELLS CHARL' I started 'I've missed you so much' I shouted as I pulled them  both into a group hug. I noticed Brad stepped back while we quickly reunited. 

'This is Brad, as you know' I smiled as the girls turned to Brad and they all said hello.

'The thing is Brad, we all used to fangirl over you...' I started.

'I know you did Lucy' He laughed.

We started making our way to the exit of the train and between us we all had conversations on the way back. 

As we reached my house the girls hugged Brad before taking a selfie each with him. 

'Why don't you come in for a bit?' I asked. 

'But you girls have just reunited' He said. 

'We don't mind' Ells smiled. 

'Uh, okay' He half smiled. 'I'll text the boys' He added.

'Why's he texting the boys?' Charl whispered to me as we walked up my driveway. 

'They're at his house' I replied as I unlocked the front door. 

'What really!?' she answered gasping.

'Yes now shh' I laughed.

'But they could come round too!' She exclaimed

'Maybe in a bit Charl, they've already been over today' I said.

'Luuuuuccyyy' She sighed.

'You've got a whole weekend here Charl, you will see them plenty in that time' I laughed. 

'I guess' she said before I closed the door behind Brad as he was the last one in. The girls put their stuff at the bottom of the stairs before we walked in the living room where they said hi to my mum. 

'Brad' She smiled as she noticed Brad was here too and not just the girls.

'Hello again' He smiled as he took a seat next to Ells on the sofa.

After about 10 minutes of talking me, Ells, Charl and Brad went upstairs while they put their stuff up there. We had two spare rooms in this house so the girls each had a room to themself. Brad went into my room whilst I showed the girls to their rooms and they put their things in them before we went back to my room. I sat back on my bed before letting out a big sigh. 

'Whats up with you?' Ells asked sarcastically.

'Tired' I replied.

'Well you're not going sleep yet' she laughed. 

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