Ch.72 - Cold. So Cold

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81K?? Wow! Thank you! I'm beyond blown away with the kindness this sorry gets. You guys are seriously awesome! Thank you for all your wonderfulness. I hope that these chaps feel worth the read (even though I torture you guys a tad bit) :)

Also, happy birthday Levinator222! Hope you've had some cake :)


Careening words collide into her retreating form. Yanking her back and fourth, agile in it's execution. Determined and emotional, acting on fear rather than rations. That this is gods way of punishing them all for Charlottes lies and deceptions. Fiercely cornering, suffocating, willing her out and away. To never come back. How dare you. Why, Charlotte, why. Get out.

There's, there's a lot of accusations flowing past her mothers venomous statements, prominently thrown to grow heavy in the cavity of Charlottes pounding chest. Shoving at her like they're quarrelling over the last groundings of a long lived war. Though it's feeling more like she's seeking refuge and bandages and her mothers stabbing at her with a sharpened stick like she's some feral animal that's snuck into the bakers kitchen.

She just, she just wants to collect some things from her room--no, said get out.

Something dry, Mom, she feels like she's falling apart--not welcome here. Brought this upon them all.

Roberts words asking with fraying patience to just let them grab something for Molly--Neither of them are allowed near her. She'll call security.

Robert saved--Downey destroyed.

But Dad said she could come be with her sister--Father and her are getting a divorce.

Everything's spinning down the middle, collapsing. Crumbling like a dry dusty brick building imploding in on itself. Meticulously picking and prodding at those who are no longer welcomed to observe its crashing. As if it's their fault it's come to this.

Its not theirs, but maybe it's hers.

Dons right there, grievous and greedy in his silence. Cradling the steering wheel as he sits lax in his own vehicle awaiting Teresa. A calculating gaze, peering out as the homes door bolt locks the four walls sealed. Un-penetrable, all Charlottes possessions besides the four boxes sitting on the lawn, are held captive inside.

Though there's nothing in those cardboard packages worth a look. Surrendering to Moms parade of shaming, Charlotte just bites at her lip, holding everything at bay long enough to get back to Robert's car. Leaning into his embrace, the arm around her waist tight, another hand bracing her arm around his neck as her pained leg doesn't relent. Sticky against his side, choosing to hear his soft irritated breathing grazing chilly puffs past her ear, curling along her red cheek.

Stepping across the lawn, ushered out by Terry as she doesn't repent to motherly tendencies. Still berating on, "You can live your life however you want to now, Charlotte. Just don't include us, okay? I'm sorry this has happened to you but don't point fingers when you know this could have all been avoided."

"Are you kidding me with this Terry?" Robert bites, twisting to gauge the words at the once mother. "Do you see your daughter right now?"

Limping, still coughing up liquid and unable to slow down the images of Molly's sick face twisting in agony. Forcing down the teary lump in her throat.

Terry laughs something sadistic, wide eyes and sickly amused. "You have the gall to use that tone with me, Robert?"

She keeps them walking, understanding Roberts flared pain and annoyance is only growing with his exhaustion. Tugging at him to gather his attention. "Robert just leave it be. It's pointless. It's fine."

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