Epilogue - Part 2 - Begin Again

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If I don't publish this now, I never will haha. Ha. Ha.

Loved your comments from Part 1!! You guys make me smile! Feel free to comment your reactions as you go along again :) made my day yesterday :))


It's been six years and a lot has happened to end up where she lay curled now.

Careful to wipe the tears from her rosy cheeks, throwing a surrendering sigh into the caressing wind and humming the new tune that has been following her for months now. Years after that blessed day full of huffed breaths brushing reddening necks.

She'd wished they had made love instead of cried upon each others shoulders. Weeping for all they'd lost and all they were promising to gain. Knowing there was still some treatments to come--finish, really. Robert had beaten cancer and she had been by his side from every moment she could then on. Inseparable and madly in love. Catching up on the things they had always planned on being and doing and experiencing.

She remembers walking out of that room that first night, a shy smile and announcing that Jeff could park the car because she was staying--for three weeks that was. About to relay the words Robert had shared for Jeff's ears only, only to have the man she eternally loves hobble heavily with his cane in hand and say them himself. Playful banter and Jeff's persistent squabble that he broke no deal, they hugged it out and never spoke of the matter again. Later on laying in Robert's bed and having him cutely demand she call it hers as well, it would count as the third night they'd ever done so. Soon, days following, her toothbrush and clothes found their respective homes as she would nestle up in the arms of hers. She would take her anxiety and depression medication as he took his many prescriptions at night with a glass of OG to follow up. Hips stitched close and Ava quietly nearby, gradually coming out of her shell with time.

It was five weeks of bed rest and occasionally visiting a chiropractor until Robert's large chest incision was declared well, along with where they'd taken tendons out of his leg. Another final half month of chemo sessions adding to the already too long recovery time inquired fuzzy hulk green socks, dog eared books and intertwined bodies curled up on the single lazy-boy chair, reclined back with matching torques tight on their shiny heads as Robert was pumped full of chemical fighting cancer chemo.

Sometime after that, between committing to the aspects of their commuting relationship, late night FaceTime calls where Robert could barely mutter a word, face pale with sickness and exhaustion, and shaving her head once more even with Robert's protests after he'd finished puking chemo colours into the toilet. After those passing months, they'd reverted away from the responsible people they'd been shaped to be and done nothing but silly nonsensical things just because they could. Enjoying the little quirks couples do and create, feeling the privilege rise in their eased blood pressures. Enjoying the treatment-less life where disease no longer clung to Robert's body and being.

Life had been good, even though guilt often plagued them for their uncontrollable past, they lived out their love finalized today where she can still hear the same song from midday whistling along the sandy crevices that surround her. Flowing through palmy pastures and whispered from those dressed in formal wear just bustling inside the beach property above.

Reminiscing back to the seven months of travel back and fourth between Seattle and Vancouver, always adjusting between her two homes and which shirts she left where. Long distance is never easy, but even less so for the fact that so many days had already been stolen from them without having been in two different cities.

Though after just half way through that first year she couldn't do it anymore and everyone understood. Man, it feels like a different era entirely thinking back to where they all came from more than half a decade ago. Recalling when she'd moved out and what everyone was up to back then.

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