Ch.81 - Never Known Peace

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Guys, Robs been everywhere and last I updated the freaking CIVIL WAR trailer came out! Oh my gosh!!!! Last night he was at the Star Wars premiere being adorable as usual and urrrg he's so handsome. Anyways. Enjoy :)) please let me know you're still reading with a lil comment. Means the world to me :))

Chasing flavours of a life once seen and been, that no longer wails in anguish when that course discourses into brush and brave isolation and separation. A thick blanketed forrest where boots break branches fallen ten years ago, and step over the moss covering footprints of past tragedies as they find themselves dwindled and enamoured in a love that is boundless yet branded.

Quiet whimpering whispers that tickle the yellowing of the leafs around their wintering relationship. Though sweet as cherry wine is the forever stains that nip at her down turned lips. Forever ingrained with the lingering taste of fresh beaned caffeine and savoured mint. Plump and pulling and exotic in their carefully measured placement, pressing and nudging at her, tasting her, loving her like she's still living. Living a life worth taking in that curling comfort of aftershave in the dew dripped mornings and crackling firewood nights. All fiery sparks and beaming light and still living. Removing remorse and morose and their recourse from their word busy brains. Defining their divine interlocked pocketed love--resting ruined and rusty in their beaten path from the past.

Like a wilting sunflower planted in seeded soil left soggy over time, brightening its petals and straightening its green stem dutifully following the warmth ghosting across cool aqua skies. The devotion to caressing rays from something beyond it's pot of confinement, something that lives in the sky and is deemed unreachable, yet she feels the opposite when it clears clouds and shines tingling truth and slowly shifting guidance. It's natural because it's always been natural--always was and always would be.

Robert. Refreshingly Original, Beyond every Expectation, and Reverently Trusting.

"Just, just please, take me away. I don't, I can't, Robert. I can't." She whimpers, wiping tears from dripping down her raw throat as she leans over this open casket filled with death and betrayal.

He swallows like it's bricks and bolts clotting his airways, nods and pulls upright. Stroking last lines on skin so devastatingly cold and wrapped and warped to deceased skin and fraying firmness. Lets go of a child's hand to grab hers, to hold her and aid her when that touch slips from her skin and she turns into his chest clutching with knitted brows and heaving heavy breaths into his suit with the mental image of gently laid lashes and dry lips. Gangly limbs and hollowed cheeks and that sterol smell lodged into her cracking heart that pumps the scent through the rest of her resiliently living body.

Feet move and bodies fall away and she doesn't do discreet as she leans ever so heavily into his burdened embrace and buries herself. Already calling back to the person that used to embody adventure and rainbows and drawings and adoration. Already calling back to her home that no longer exists--she crumples into Robert, dishevelling his already worn out clothes. Wrinkling them with spit and tears, yet he doesn't yield to his own discomfort--because he must feel her heartbreak too as they pass by Terry with her deep grimace of conflicting feelings and wants. Like it's taken her till now to find the empathy she could have harboured for her eldest daughter.

She's curled into Robert's side when she's flanked by Jays colourful discontent and George's stumbling support. They are about to slip beyond large enclosed doors when Dad careens into their step with wide watery eyes, "You're going."

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