Chapter 12

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My back rests against the chair as I stare right back at the man in front of me. That beautiful, insanely kind man. Half a smile is on my flushed face, ensuring me that his simple words does impact me.

Both of our eyes are focused on each other, not even blinking for once. The heart of mine is beating in adoration and complete love for that man, and I don't want it beating for any other reason.

"Thank you." I barely whisper as my smile stretches a bit, and my eyes stay focusing on his beautiful ones.

The smiles widens on his face as he releases a deep sigh and leans in towards me, before resting his elbow on the table and placing his chin on his palm. All the stress from earlier is gone by now, making me forget about the note and about Master Bradan.

There is nothing new about Louis making me forget everything; it is nothing new about feeling safe and at comfort with him, or whenever I see him. But that is what he did, he managed to capture my heart at ease, he managed to make me smile and happy without doing anything.

He suddenly speaks, a smile still crowning his face, "Are you free to have a little chat?"

I shrug slightly with a smile, and nod, "Sure."

"Okay," he nods, a grin spreading across his face now. "Tell me about you."

I take a deep breath and release a small laugh. I have never imagined that one day this might happen, that I might be sitting so close to the human man that I love, laughing and talking about myself. I have never imagined that he would show any interest in me, but I am more than happy and grateful that he is.

"What do you want to know?" Instead, I ask back.

"Everything?" He says, though it comes out as a question and I guess that is why he laughs and says, "Whatever comes to your mind."

"Well, I'm nineteen years old –" I begin but he cuts me off.

"No, I want to know what do you like, what you don't, things you do. These kind of stuff." He speaks kindly, his words laced with gentleness and curiosity.

"Ah, okay," I let out a breathy laugh before speaking again. "Well, I like reading books for starters."

"What kind of books?" He asks, actually interested.

"All type of books," I reply honestly. "As long as the book is interesting, and somehow realistic."

"So, you don't like fiction?" He raises his eyebrows is surprise.

"I don't mind fiction as long as it's basic. Like, not exaggerating fiction." I try to explain and he nods.

"Good. I actually don't like fiction at all. I hate it." He scrunches his nose up in disgust.

"How could you?" I laugh a little. "Everyone needs a little bit of fiction in their life."

He smiles softly at me, looking like he is somehow lost as he says, "I had my fair share of fiction."

I furrow my eyebrows a little, though the smile on my face keeps its place. Deciding that I should turn the tables, I ask, "What about you? What do you like?"

"Drawing," He answers instantly.

"I should have known." I laugh. Of course he likes to draw; he is a tattoo artist for Lyara's sake!

"What else do you like?" He continues asking.

I think for a little before answering, "I really love walking, and I really hate closed places."

"I will not agree with the walking thing because honestly, I can't walk two miles," he rolls his eyes and I laugh. "However, I absolutely loathe closed places, too."

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