Chapter 17

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The door of the cottage slams behind me as I walk in angrily. I think I'm more confused than angry, it's just that there is something hidden, and I don't like hidden things, especially when they come out of the blue, from the wrong people.

You have no powers.

What a fucking joke.

I don't understand what possessed her to say so. I didn't even come near the damn chair so that she can say that for Lyara's sake! Does she even know me at all? This is the first time I have ever met this woman, and she just casually accuses me of having no powers and sends me home?

Just as my nose flare in anger for this woman, the confusion falls upon me, along with fear, when I remember the whisper that I heard just before I left.

Good luck in the city tonight.

Have I gone mad?

I might stay for a little time trying to figure out if I actually heard that, or if I'm starting to imagine and hear weird shit. But I swear, I swear that I heard it, and it was real, and I wasn't imagining things.

My mother walks into the living room, wiping her hands with a small, green piece of cloth. Eyeing me up and down, and raising her eyebrow, my mother places the piece of cloth on the table before crossing her arms over her chest with a sigh.

"What happened?" She asks; her voice no louder than a whisper as her eyes keep wandering around, not meeting mine.

"How did you know that something happened?" I ask back, raising an eyebrow at her.

She knows something.

"You don't finish until it's six. Now, it's three. You're early." She says, shrugging. Oh.

I let out a deep sigh as I sit down on the couch, covering my face with my hands, as if it will release some of the frustration I have inside my mind. As my mother sits opposite of me, she speaks again, "so?"

I wet my lips as I begin speaking, "Master Effie said I have no powers," I admit, crossing my arms over my knees. "What does that mean?"

My mother breathes heavily as she says, "I don't understand."

She is lying.

"Oh, then who is supposed to understand?" I ask sarcastically. "Then, why did she tell me that I needed to go home? Cause to me, it sounded like 'home' has the answer." I say, knowing fully well that my mother understands that by 'home', I mean her and my father.

"Tallulah," she sighs as she rubs between her eyes. "I don't think we have to talk about this."

Anger builds inside me at her words, making me stand up and laugh bitterly at my mother as I say, "you don't think that we should talk about this?" I shake my head at her, eyes wide open as I continue, "that is my future we are talking about, this is my powers. What do you mean, we should not think about it?"

My mother is quick to answer as she meets my gaze and says firmly, "I'm not talking about this until your father comes back."

"Oh, no," I shake my head again. "You will talk about this, right now," I demand, knowing how wrong that is. "Or so help me Lyara, I will go my father's office and I will bring him right here."

My mother stares at me in utter shock as she, too, stands up before speaking, "have you gone mad? There's no more discussion! Go to your room!"

"I'm not a child, mother!" I shout suddenly, "I'm nineteen years old, and I have every damn right to know what is wrong with me! And you will not stop me."

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