Chapter 43

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After two hours of endlessly praying to Lyara, my body is sprawled on my bed as I look at Cronan without an ounce of emotion. He looks so peaceful; sleeping with no worries and no responsibilities. Oh, how I wish I could just be a kid forever. Those who wish to be older don't know what awaits them, from pain to responsibilities to decisions and consequences.

It is now five in the morning and I still have no desire to sleep, at all. My body is exhausted and so is my heart, but my mind is going wild with every thought, and Louis tops them. I turn on my back and stare at the ceiling, thinking about what could have changed his mind.

He was so okay with everything, and he accepted me, and he was waiting for me. What possibly changed his mind? Did he just mend my heart back then, only to break it now? No, Louis is not like that; he is not cruel and if he didn't want to accept me, he wouldn't have accepted me from the start. What happened? Where did it go wrong?

Maybe he just thought about it with himself and then he didn't like the idea anymore, or maybe Liam told him something that changed his mind—but that's hardly anticipated, he is still with Sir Artair after all—and maybe Conall went to Louis and threatened him? Oh Lyara, I hope not.

What if Conall did go there and threatened him? What if he hurt him and told him to stay away and end everything with me? I will never, ever, forgive myself if Conall hurt Louis. The idea of them being together frightens me itself. Conall can never be trusted, especially around humans who have communications with us.

Then suddenly, evilly and out of nowhere, I remember Wren's powers and her ability to change into anything. Could it be? No way, she might be mad and angry with me, but I don't think she will ever dare to take Louis' shape and say that. It's impossible, she is my best friend and she knows what does Louis mean to me. She would never do that.

I take a deep breath when I my eyes burn with tears and force myself up and off of the bed. I can't sleep, and I have to be up in two hours for the training anyway. I quickly and silently change into the training clothes before brushing my hair and pulling it up in a ponytail.

As I get my keys and head for the door, I stop and look at myself in the long mirror next to the door. I look tired, with my eyes red and puffy, but strong nevertheless. I look so strong right now, carrying everything on my shoulders with a broken heart and a messy mind. Taking a deep breath, I smile slightly at myself before blinking and getting out of the house.

I decide to sit down at the Park area, watch the sunrise alone and maybe to calm myself and clear my mind. However, as soon as I arrive there, I hear the faint strings of the guitar and the soft, angelic voice that I love so dearly. I walk slowly towards where Niall is sitting and sit down next to him.

"Good morning," He stops playing as I lay my head on his shoulder. "What woke you up so early?"

"I didn't sleep." I say quietly, hearing the soft tweets of the birds.

"Why not, love?" He questions, resting his head above mine.

"Louis, as usual," I say shortly. "What about you?"

"I'm here every day, I like watching the sunrise." He answers, sighing.

I smile faintly as we both stare at the dark orange skies. I say quietly, "Sing, Niall." 

"It's just another day, it's just another year. One step at the time, they say, one trip and you're back that way..." His soft sound fills the empty place around us, followed with the strings of the guitar.

Calmness is what this is; calmness and peace. Sitting down with a broken heart, while watching the sunrise with a close friend of yours. Slowly and one by one, I feel myself getting lighter, I feel the problems removing themselves from my shoulders and the heavy weight on my chest disappearing as I lose myself in Niall's voice and this beautiful sunrise.

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