Q&A Answers!

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Can you do a face reveal?

I might do that, just not now cause I'm still unsure about it x

Where is the smut? Btw love this book so much, I read it all in a day!

Smut is on its way; I know that my first sex scene wasn't good but I promise the next are going to be hella steamy (Good things happen to those who wait)! Eeep, thank you darling, that's amazing!

Where did you get inspired to write this story / write in general?

Well, for this story, having an imaginary world is something that me and Tallulah have in common. I wanted to create my own world, I even wanted to read about different and exciting worlds, but I couldn't find what I was looking for so I was like 'Hey, why don't I write the shit I want?'

To write in general, I have always had this small little writer inside me. I would literally wait impatiently for my English class because the teacher would always give us a topic to write an article about it. It always made me happy because writing is the only thing that is limitless in my life. You can just write on and on and on and reach the sky.

@Louis; You said that you know about Tallulah's people before her telling you, because of Liam's boyfriend, when they told you (not your beautiful and amazing girlfriend) what did you think? Like, did you think they were crazy, did you think it was cool, etc... (At least I think you said that... if not then SURPRISE)

When Liam and Artair first told me, I laughed that off. I literally laughed so hard I even cried, then when I realised they were being serious and Artair showed me his powers as a proof, I passed out. Literally.

@Louis; Can you and Tallulah just get married already and have beautiful children? Please!

She already has me; I don't think she would keep up with two children at the same moment.

@Louis; Do you think your and Tallulah's relationship will survive if Cronan finds out?

This Cronan can fucking kiss my pretty ass if he thinks he can do Tallulah any harm or take her away from me. Nope, not going to happen.

@Louis; How many girlfriends have you had before Tallulah?

Well, it's only Janet to be honest, unless you would like to count that girl—whom I called my girlfriend—who puked all over me in eighth grade.

@Louis; Would you marry Tallulah?

You are all milking this whole marriage thing, aren't you? However, to answer your question, I'd say that marriage is the least of both of our concerns right now, but in a better situation, I don't see what would stop me.

@Louis; What do you love most about your girlfriend?

Her booty. Joking—even though I fucking love it—I think my favourite thing about her is her persona. That girl is a bombshell.

@Tallulah; Have you ever just considered running away and living in the city pretending to be human and having a 'normal' life?

I did, of course. I just don't want to run away and hide, I want to be free, and freedom isn't cheap.

@Tallulah; Would you die for Louis?

If it meant keeping him safe, then yes, in a heartbeat, of course.

@Tallulah; Are you worried about that red—haired girl?

Janet? I don't think so, she's the least of my worries right now.

@Liam; What was it like when Louis ended things with Tallulah? Did you want to punch him? Cause I did.

I did want to punch him, but I didn't; I was in his place when Artair told me, and I myself gave us some space to think through everything but I knew that eventually I'd forget about it, because I accepted him the way he is, and so did Louis. However, if he hadn't fixed everything with her, I'd have turned his face into a fucking pillow.

@Conall; Why are you so fucking evil?

Is keeping our race pure and clean an evil thing? You, humans, madden me.

Enjoyed this so much! Love you guys, an update will be up tomorrow or the day after!

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