Chapter 75 - Mae Day

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"Are you two ready? It will just be a quick blessing and you can be on your way," a member of the counsel asked approaching the table.

"Yeah sure, come on," Lee said to me casually.

"Are you under a spell?" I blurted out.

"Yeah, yours," he said smirking. I stared at him for a moment assessing him. He was a little concerned about me but nothing near like he was before and the hatred seemed to be gone. SPELL definite spell.

"I'm being serious," I replied.

"No, I'm fine. I told you it would take some getting used to. I am adapting and I accept that you are not a threat the children."

"Are you a threat to me?" I asked forgetting Suri was right there.

"No," he replied his eyes flicking to Suri.

"Do you mind if we have a quick chat first?" I asked the counsel member. "I know it's already delayed but... look we just need five minutes alone as I haven't seen him in months as it was left on bad terms."

The counsel member nodded and left. Lee rolled his eyes as he passed Suri over to Bowdie and followed behind me as I walked into the next room.

"Go on then," he said nodding for me to start.

"Are you sure you are not under a spell as you hated me earlier and now you are being... well pleasant to me," I said trying to gauge him.

"You've proved yourself today and so have I," he said shrugging.

There was a few moments of silence before he spoke again.

"Mae, we have to make an heir. That means lying together and I would rather it was amicable and pleasant than feeling like I'm at a whore house... and no I am not calling you a whore. I just mean it as in 'self gratification' and you lie there."

I dare not tell him that the chances of my lying there like a plucked chicken were slim as he was far too good in the sack to ignore his technique and whilst part of me wanted to dislike it another part was quite looking forward to it. The part I should never listen to and had got me in trouble all my life!

"I am worried that you are not yourself, that we will be alone together and the spell with wear off and you will hate me again," I admitted.

He sighed. "Have I not let you hold the twins, sat beside you with Suri to make amends. It is only the start of a new beginning for us and I would rather we lay our demons to rest and yes that includes Conrad the bodyguard."

"He's my new bestie," I informed him. "It's a package deal."

"I'm not too worried, his wife will be on heat soon and we won't see him for dust."

"So are you sure you are ok?"

"Yes and you've met my lion so what is the big issue. Lets get our blessing and get out of here."

"Something is not right with you Lee. I've been spelled a little myself today so I don't blame you for doing the same."

"I am not spelled!" he all but yelled at me. "Will you stop over thinking things and just do the bloody blessing so we can go home have sex and get it over with."

I tutted at his 'get it over with' attitude.

"I meant this, the whole ceremony thing not me and you," he clarified.

"We can't just go back to where we left off..."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not human anymore for one and the children are cubs!"

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Where stories live. Discover now