I swear he's annoying, after he finished his food he's gonna say '' See I knew there was a reason why I like you that food was bomb.

I just smiled and  got up to take his  plate into the kitchen and wash the dishes,  just as I was about to start washing the dishes he came up behind me and told me he'll do it.

Don't have to tell me twice,I gladly walked back into the living room and sat down , a few minutes later he came strolling into the living room and sat next to me wrapping his arm around me pulling me closer to him.

At first I was gonna ask him to move but then I decided I'll go with the flow and before I knew it I fell asleep.

When I woke back up it was 8:30pm , when I turned my head Avery was sleeping.

He looked so cute, I gently moved his hand from around me so I could go to the bathroom.

When I came back Avery was up watching tv, I don't know why but I had the urge to kiss him.

" I was wondering where you snuck off to.

" The bathroom, I had a feeling you'd wake up.

" What do you expect you weren't next to me".

" Aww aren't you cute.

" I try I try😏

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