When I got back home I tried to call Avery back but it went straight to voicemail , maybe his phone died I thought to myself as I went to take a shower.

As I was coming out the bathroom my phone started ringing instantly a smile spread across my face until I picked up my phone and looked at the caller ID and saw it was Trey, I was expecting it to be Avery.

" Hello

" What's up

" Nothing much , how's your day been

" It was okay , how was yours?

'' It was alright

" That's good, what did you do?

" I spent the day with my best friend ".

" What y'all did

" We went out to eat

" And I didn't get an invite , it's cool though

" No guys were invited sorry.

" I could've been the only exception but it's cool , as long as I get to talk to you now I'm good.

We talked for a little while longer then I told him I'd talk to him later because I was getting tired.

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