Who would've thought keeping a secret would be this hard, I've almost slipped and told him so many times but I caught myself.

What makes it worse is every time I watch tv or go somewhere I end up seeing a baby, I think Trey's starting to have baby fever now too.

Every time he sees a baby he gets this goofy look on his face then the baby talk starts ,the other day he got mad at me because I kept ignoring him and his baby wishes.

I told him let's just let things happen naturally and he kept trying to push the issue so I walked away from him , now he has an attitude.

I tried to talk to him but he just ignored me , thank god I have class.

I ended up waking up before my alarm went off so I decided to start getting ready so I'd be able to stop for breakfast.

Just as I was about to leave Trey came walking out of his room ,"Where are you going?

" Good morning to you too Trey , I have class

" You're class doesn't start until 9:30 and its 7:50 , why are you leaving so early?

" I wanted to get breakfast before class started ?

" Aside from that I think you're trying to avoid me

I rolled my eyes and said " Trey nobody's trying to avoid you, you're the one who has the attitude.

" I feel like you're not taking my feelings into consideration

" How if I told you let's let things happen naturally , I didn't tell you no.

"How am I gonna let things happen naturally when we haven't even smashed lately ?

" who's fault is that Tremaine huh because you've been acting like a dickhead lately.

" I'm sorry, I just thought you didn't want a baby with me.

I looked at him like he was crazy then I walked out of the house, I swear he's annoying how do you ignore me then tell me I thought you didn't want a baby with me.

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