What's wrong with me

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It's been a couple of days since the gender reveal party and I've been having these  horrible
cramps on and off.

I contributed the pain to me eating spicy food earlier but I don't think that's the problem, because the pain intensifies then takes awhile to go away.

I refuse to tell trey because I know he's gonna panic more than I am and I don't need that right now.

I called my doctor and told her about the pain I've been experiencing and she told me to come in  so she can check me.

Once I got in the car  and started  driving Trey called me ,oh gosh.

" Hello

" where are you

" I'm on my way to the doctor

" Why

" I was having cramps

" And you didn't think to call me and tell me that?

" I knew you'd panick , I wanted to find out what the problem was before I told you anything.

" Understandable but I should've been told regardless

'' You're right, I'm sorry

"Call me when you find anything out

I told him okay before hanging up and stopping at the light, thank goodness when I got to the hospital only a few people were there.

After I signed in  a few minutes later I was called to the back, I was kind of nervous about what she would tell me.

" Hey Gabriella , how are you

" Hi, I'm fine for the most part just cramping

" I'm going to need you to lay down for me

Once I laid down she hooked me up to the ultra sound machine to check the baby, she said he was fine but I probably would have to have him early because he's putting too much pressure on my body.

" If I do have him early is he going to be fully developed?

" We're going to try and keep him in for as long as possible but he's coming early for sure.

Am I going to have to stay in the hospital or can I go home?

" We're going to keep you over night , only because I want to monitor you.

I told her okay then I called Trey
and told him I have to stay over night , he said he'll be at the hospital in an hour or so.

I ended up falling asleep and when I woke back up Trey was staring at me

" Why are you staring at me for

" I spoke to Dr. Lee and she told me you might have to have  little TJ early

"TJ ?

" Trey Junior

" Who said I'm naming my son after you sir

" Me , you should name him Tremaine Alexander

I smiled and said " I thought you'd want him to have the same middle name as you .

" He should have some form of his own identity

'' I was thinking the same thing but I thought you'd be upset

" Nah not at all, he's already gonna come out looking like me

" Don't be too sure

" Trust me I know he will , I'm all you think about

" I know you'd like to think that but I do have other things occupying my mind.

" I bet you do he mumbled

" Shut up , I  actually have something I wanted to talk to you about.

" I already know what you're gonna say and you have nothing to worry about ,he's gonna be fine I promise.

" How do you know that

" I don't but I trust that god does everything for a reason and he's not gonna fail us.

"Would you rather suffer or have Trey here with us?

"Have Trey here with us but I also want him to be health

" And he will be stop stressing when you don't have to.

I took in what he was saying but I still felt a sense of uneasiness, I'll glad when Tj is born.

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