When I went back into the guest room and laid down I couldn't go to sleep so I just laid there in the hopes of falling asleep eventually.

When I finally went to sleep it was morning time and I didn't wake back up until 6pm, I can't believe I slept the entire day away.

After I took a shower I made me something to eat, Trey wasn't home so I didn't bother to really get dressed I just had on a tank top and some boy shorts on.

As I'm making my plate Trey snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, I jumped  and  I accidentally elbowed him .

" Aww shit  he said as he took his arms from around my waist.

" I'm sorry ,you scared me I said turning around.

"My bad I didn't mean to scare you but damn you looking like a snack right now.

" That you can't have I said before I started eating.

He ignored me and walked out the kitchen , I thought he went in his room but when I walked back into the guest room he was sitting on the bed.

l was about to walk out but he stopped me and told me he wanted to talk to me about something,I wonder what this is about I thought as I sat down.

" My mom's having a get together and I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me.

I thought about it for awhile then I told him I'd go , what's the worst that can happen .

" Now that that's out the way , we have some bigger fish to fry.

" which is?

"You being mad at me ,that's not a good look at all.

"Should've thought about that when you was kissing Reagan

"Touché but it wasn't suppose to happen ,as a matter of fact get dressed.

" Where are we going I asked as I got up and walked towards the dresser.

" You'll see he said before leaving the room.

When I finished getting ready Trey  told me to pack now I'm really wondering  where he's taking me.

I asked Trey where we were going and how long we were staying there and he just ignored me,'' Can you at least help me pack.?

' ' You're doing just fine , you don't need my help.

Since he wants to be all difficult I just threw a bunch of clothes in a bag, when I was done he came to inspect my outfits.

" What are you doing

" What it look like,  I gotta make sure  you packed correctly.

" I asked your ass to help me pack and what did you tell me, now you wanna be inspector gadget and shit.

" At first you were doing a good job then you started just throwing shit in bags so shut your ass up.

" Well had you answered my questions and helped me from the beginning we wouldn't be having  this problem now would we.

" You gotta learn how to be patient  and I'm helping you now so stop complaining .

Once everything was to Trey 's liking we made our way to the car, this should be fun.

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