Are you sure

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Time is really flying a little too fast for my liking , today is the day I go back to college and the whole time I was getting dressed I cried.

For the last two  months I've been turning my work in online and I wasn't sure if I could go back so soon.

When I walked out of the bathroom Trey was standing there shaking his head at me , " Yo I know you not crying.

" Shut up because you were in your feelings when you first went back to work.

" I'm away from Tj longer than you are so shut your cry baby ass up and come on.

I rolled my eyes at him before I followed him out of the room and into Tj's room to make sure Trey bundled him up right.

Once everything was to my liking I went to the car with the baby bag , while Trey put Tj in his carrier.

When they came outside I noticed Trey changed Tj's clothes to match his outfit.

I couldn't help but to smile they both looked so cute, Trey didn't have to work today but he was taking Tj to the doctor to get his shots.

" You guys look so cute I said when he got in the car

" It's only right he's my mini me he said as he started driving

As we got closer to my school I became emotional all over again," Babe relax he's going to be fine I promise.

I wasn't convinced he had everything under control but I figured I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

Trey had to practically pull me out of the car when he pulled in front of my school, thank you god for water proof  makeup  I thought to myself as I gave Trey a hug.

" I love you, I'll text you later to tell you how the appointment went.

" I love you too I said before walking away

As I was about to get  on the elevator I saw Devon coming in my direction so I held the door open for him.

" Thanks

I gave him a head nod before pressing two ,when we walked into class Reed  handed us a quiz.

" What a nice welcome back  I said to him before going to sit down.

Once I finished and I handed him my quiz he said " you complained for no reason , how's TJ doing?

As I was about to respond I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, when I took it out Trey was calling me.


" TJ just finished getting his shots and little man didn't even cry

" Aww that's cute

" I should be at your school in  a half an hour

I told him alright then I hung up, " I'm sorry about that Reed.... But to answer your question he's fine.

" That's good , we should hang out sometimes

" Most definitely , just let me know when I said before leaving

On my way downstairs Trey text me and told me he was outside,I didn't reply until I was half way to the car.

Trey wasn't even paying attention to me when I got in the car, someone can easily catch him slipping.

It wasn't until I closed the car door that he acknowledged me, " Hey babe he said before kissing me.

" Hi

" Are you hungry

I told him yes but I'd rather cook something when we get home ,he told me alright.

" Do you need anything from the store he asked as he pulled into Walmart.

" How are you going to ask me that after you pull in?

"I had a feeling you'd say yes , what do you need?

" Ground beef,sauce, soft shell tacos  and spaghetti

He looked at me like I was crazy before getting out of the car, I was expecting him to take forever but it only took him five minutes.

" What did you do run I asked when he came back

" Nah there weren't that many people in there surprisingly, I'm cooking when we get home just so you know.

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