After taking that pregnancy test I've been having anxiety and I could barely sleep, I ended up waking up early , after I got dressed I went to the clinic.

When I got there surprisingly there weren't that many people there,as I was walking to the front desk I began to feel nervous and what made it worse was I had to fill out a bunch of questions.

Once I was done I handed the clip board back to the receptionist and went to sit down , a few minutes later I was called to the back.

" Good morning Gabriella I'm Dr. Lee , what seems to be the problem?

" I've been feeling nauseous and throwing up a lot lately

" When was your last period

" A month ago

" Have you been  sexually active lately?

"A couple days I was

" Sweetie I think you may be pregnant but to be sure I'm gonna have you get blood work done.

I'm deathly afraid of needles so when a nurse came in I started getting teary eyed , " Relax sweetie she said before she  had me stick my arm out.

Once she was done she told me the results should be ready in an half an hour.

As I was waiting for the results I felt my phone vibrate, when I took it out of my pocket I saw Trey  had text me.

Text Convo

Trey: Where are you?

Me: The hospital

Trey: Why what's wrong?? Are you okay??

Me: I'm fine I'm just having some test done

Trey : For what???

Me: I wasn't feeling well  so I went to the hospital

Trey : You could've woken me up, I would've went with you

Trey: Have they told you anything yet???

Me: Not  yet I'm still waiting

Trey: When you find out anything call or text me.

Me: Alright

Trey: I'm serious Gabriella don't say you forgot to text me

As I was about to respond Dr Lee walked in with the test results, " Congratulations Gabriella you're pregnant.

I gave her a weak smile and asked her how far along was I, she told me it was too early to tell.

She told me I'd have to come back in a few weeks to determine anything , I asked her if there was anything I should do in the mean time and she told me I'd have to start taking prenatal vitamins.

"Do I have to change my eating habits?

" I recommend it so that when you're farther along you don't have any problems.

" So I shouldn't eat any sweets or drink soda anymore?

" You don't have to cut out sweets completely just eat in moderation.

Before I asked anymore questions she handed me pamphlets and my prenatal vitamins before she told me when my next appointment was.

I thanked her before getting up and leaving, I stopped at subway before I went home.

When I got home  Trey  was watching tv, I tried walking past him but he saw me," Nah don't try and sneak past me come here.

I turned around and walked over to him slowly, " What did the doctor say was wrong he asked as I sat down.

" She said I  must've  ate something that made me get sick.

" Did she give you  any medicine

" She just told me I have to drink a lot of fluids and rest.

" Whatever you need, you know I'm here.

" Aww thanks babe

I feel bad for not telling him the truth but I don't want to spill the beans and it be a false alarm or something.

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