After a few minutes of debating with myself I finally got up and did my daily routine, when I was done I got dressed then I went to go see if Trey was up.

To my surprise he was getting dressed when I walked in his room, " Hey babe we said in unison.

I chuckled then I said " I thought I was gonna have to pour water on you again.

" If you did that would've been an ass whooping

" We just would've been fighting then I guess.

" Get out and let me finish getting dressed he said as he playfully escorted me out the room.

" You don't have to even do anything else except put your shoes on I said before I went downstairs.

Five minutes later he came strolling
down the stairs with a smile on his face asking me if I'm ready, I didn't even respond because clearly he's trying to be funny and I don't find him amusing.

I walked out the door and waited for him to unlock the car , when we got situated he asked " Are you going back home with me or do you want me to drop you off at Applebee's?

" That depends on what time you get done with your appointment

He nodded then started driving, it took us twenty minutes to get to his doctors office, he had a hard time finding parking so I told him I'd stay in the car and wait for him.

He didn't come back until almost an hour later and I didn't know why I didn't notice before but he looked like he had a cold

" Babe are you okay I asked as he got back in the car

" It's just my allergies

I wasn't convinced he had to have a cold or something too, what did the doctor say?

" She gave a prescription for Zyrtec and Flonase and told me to take it twice a day and I should be fine.

" Do you want me to drive

" It's just allergies gabby relax

" I'm just asking sheesh , you're the one looking like you could barely see.

He looked at me for awhile before he got up and came around to the passenger side.

" After we fill your prescription I'm taking you home, I'm gonna call paisley and ask her if we could reschedule.

" Gabriella I'm fine trust me, he said growing slightly annoyed.

" Excuse me for caring, which pharmacy are you filling your prescriptions at?

" Rite Aid

I nodded then made a left around the corner, thankfully we didn't have to go far.

I parked and was about to get out when Trey stopped me and told me he'll do it, something about giving me a hard time if they don't see his face.

I tuned him out to be honest and just nodded my head , when he came back he told me that his medicine should be ready by five and asked me if I could pick it up for him.

I told him yes and drove him back home , when I got back to the house he took forever to get out the car.

" Trey stop playing and get out before I'm late, he chuckled before he got out and closed the door.

I waited until he was in the house before I pulled off, I don't know if I'm being paranoid or not but it seemed like as soon as I pulled off a black car started following me.

I brushed it off and continued driving , it wasn't until I pulled up to Applebee's that my suspicions rang true, as soon as I parked so did the black car.

I waited a few minutes to see if the person would get out but they didn't, before getting out the car I called Trey and told him I think I'm being followed and he told me I probably was being paranoid.

I made him stay on the phone with me until I knew paisley showed up, he told me to call him again if anything else happens.

I told him I would and hung up as Paisley came to hug me, " Hey stranger I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.

" I know right how have you been I asked as she sat back down.

" I've been alright I can't complain but I do have some news for you.

" What's up?

" Avery's been acting really strange lately , I know you're probably wondering why I'm telling you this and I'm not trying to scare you but just be careful.

" Paisley what do you mean be careful

" All I'm saying is you have to be on alert at all times because you never know what's going on in his head.

" I hear what you're saying but I'm not worried, if Avery or who ever else wants to go and be stupid let them.

Paisley just stared at me like I had three heads but I was serious I'm not worried about nothing, he could try and act like he's gonna do something but we'll see who has the last laugh.

Paisley was gonna say something but was interrupted by a waiter coming and asking if we were ready to order yet , we told her yes and we both ordered a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a Dr Pepper.

As we were waiting for our food ,I could've sworn I seen Devon's annoying ass but I figured I was just being paranoid and started talking to paisley again.

" Are you and Reed coming to PA with Trey & I next week?

" We've thought about it and decided we'll come, are you guys sure you want us to come?

" Of course, why wouldn't we?

She started to say something but got distracted by our food coming,we both thanked the waiter before we began eating.

After I finished eating I started feeling nauseous and practically had to run to the bathroom, when I came back paisley asked if I was ok and I told her I just had to pee really bad to avoid her asking any questions.

Once paisley was done eating she paid for our food then she told me she had to go something about helping Reed with something, I gave her a hug and walked her to her car before going to get in mine.

Once I started driving I noticed the same car following me, I didn't pay it any attention , I had a feeling I'd find out who it was soon enough.

Before I went home I decided to stop at rite aid to pick up Trey's medicine and get a pregnancy test, as I was making my way inside I spotted Devon.

I know this is a public place but I'm beginning to feel like he's following me and it's getting irritating, I was tempted to walk up to him and smack him but I decided against it.

Luckily I was able to get what I needed without him spotting me , when I got back home Trey was sleeping .

I used this time to take the pregnancy test , as I opened the box my hands were shaking.

After calming my nerves and reading the directions , I took the test those felt like the longest 4 minutes of my life.

Once the test beeped and I picked it up and looked at the results, I was in a state of shock when I saw the two positive lines.

I don't plan on telling Trey until I know for a fact I'm pregnant and how far I am.

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