Who would've thought that spending time with Trey gave me the confidence to finally confront Avery , after I got comfortable I called him and asked him if he could come over.

He told me he should be on his way in five minutes but that turned into two hours later.

When he finally decided to show up he tried to act like everything was fine , when I opened the door he tried to kiss me but I moved to the side and let him in.

" I can't get a kiss or nothing

" No Avery actually you can't.

" What's wrong with you.

" Funny you asked, you told me you'd be here in five minutes but that turned into two hours later, to top it off you got a fucking hickey on your neck.

" It's not what you think

" Really then what is it.

"I got bit by a mosquito the other day

" Avery do I look like I'm playing with you?

He just stared at me and didn't say anything  like a dumb ass, I almost slapped him but I contained my composure.

" Avery  if you aren't gonna talk you can leave because I already know you been messing with Reagan.

" It-it wasn't my fault she came on to me , please believe me.

" Had I not asked you , you would've pretended as if nothing was happening.

" Let me explain please

" I don't wanna hear it Avery, just get out because as far as I can see it what's done is done.

" Baby please

" Avery you got her pregnant, I don't have anything else to say to you.

" She's lying, she's just trying to break us up.

"Well guess what she succeeded, congratulations I said before he left.

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