"What took you so long trey asked when I got in the car

"I got lost trying to find the bathroom, you wouldn't believe who I bumped into .

" Was it Avery?

" Yes, something seemed off with him

" Doesn't it always babe Trey said with a chuckle

" Trey I'm serious , when I looked at him his eyes were black.

" Gabby I'm sure you're just overreacting

" Yeah , I'm sure you're right I said as I began driving.

The rest of the car ride was silent and for some reason I felt a wave of sleepiness come over me.

As soon as we got home I took a shower and fell asleep, I didn't wake back up until the afternoon the next day.

I tried to get up but ended up laying back down because my legs hurt,a few minutes later Trey came strolling in the room with a smirk on his face.

" You're finally up

" What are you smirking for I asked with a slight attitude.

" Did you know you talk in your sleep he said as he helped me out the bed

I ignored him and went into the bathroom, when I came out he was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"What were you saying about me talking in my sleep? I said as I sat down.

"I was coming out the bathroom last night and I heard you calling me so I walked into the room to see what you wanted and the rest is history.

" What do you mean the rest is history, what did I want.

" You wanted me to give you the D so that's what I did he said with a big smile on his face.

" That explains why my legs were hurting

" Yup and you loved every minute of it

" Just know I don't like you I said as I felt myself turning red.

" I was just giving you what you asked for , are you packed yet?

I was gonna ask him packed for what but then I remembered that we were going to PA later , " yes are you ?

" Yes I am ,we're leaving in an hour ...I already spoke to Paisley and told her when she called you

"Who told you ,you could answer my phone?

" Me is that a problem?

" Actually it is I said as I playfully rolled me eyes

" Well too bad he said with a smirk

" You get on my nerves

" You weren't saying that last night so shut up

I ignored him and went into the kitchen only for him to follow me," Are you hungry?

I shook my head yes and he asked me what I wanted, I told him tacos.

He offered to make it for me but I asked him if we could go to Taco Bell instead, he mumbled something under his breath before walking out the kitchen and getting his keys.

While I was waiting for him I brought our bags outside,since he knew I was hungry he decided to take his sweet time coming outside.

By the time he came outside it was time to pick up Paisley and Reed, " Are you driving or am I he asked as he put our bags in the trunk.

Instead of responding I just got in the drivers seat and started the car up, " We could still stop at Taco Bell if you want.

I rolled my eyes and said" We have to pick up Reed and Paisley ," I'm sorry I didn't take long on purpose he said as I started driving.

I ignored him until I pulled up to Paisley's house,"Switch places with Paisley.

He was gonna say something but stopped when Paisley and Reed came to the car, " Mhmm get out I mumbled.

Trey ignored me and slammed the door after he got out ,I swear he grinds my gears.

" Hey guys

" Hey they said in unison

"Trey must've got on your nerves too Paisley mumbled as I started driving

" Girl

"What did he do

" I told him I wanted to go to Taco Bell to get some food and his ass gonna take forever to come outside.

" I told you it wasn't on purpose ,you mad for no reason

" Stay back there,I was talking to Paisley not you

" I'm talking to you though so calm your little ass down

I rolled my eyes and went back to talking to Paisley," Anyway like I was saying he gets me tight I mumbled so only Paisley could hear.

She chuckled and trey caught an attitude, " Yo keep talking shit Gabby

I guess Reed was trying to calm him down or something because I heard him say"Yeah you right bro.

The rest of the car ride was silent,when we got to the house Trey and Reed told us they'll be back.

" I wonder where they ventured off to Paisley said after she changed her clothes

Just as I was about to respond they came walking in with bags of food in their hands.

A small smile spread across my face when I noticed it was Taco Bell, " I'm sorry I said when Trey handed me my food.

He nodded his head before he sat down and started eating, once everyone finished eating we picked our rooms.

This should be an interesting two weeks

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