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Hearing that made me think maybe I should tell him yes but on the other hand I figured if he cared about me then he'll wait.

Paisley and I talked for a little while longer then she told me she'll see me later.

After she left I figured I'd go back to sleep , which took hours to happen and when it did I was woken up by my phone ringing.

I picked it up off the dresser and without even looking at the caller ID I answered it.

" Hello

" Where you sleeping

" Yes, but I'm up now what's up Avery

" I'm sorry for waking you up , I just wanted to ask you if maybe you , Paisley and Reagan wanted to come to a cookout tomorrow?

" I'll have to ask them and call you later and let you know what they said

" Ight cool, don't forget to let me know what they said

" I won't, as a matter of fact let me ask them now before I forget

" Ight later."

As soon as I hung up the phone Paisley called me, look at God.

" Hey LeLe what's up

" Hey Gabby, do you wanna go to the mall with me and Reagan?

" Yes, I have to ask y'all something too so this is perfect.

" Alright,we'll be there in an hour so get ready

" Alright, don't rush me hoe

" Whatever just hurry your ass up bye.

I ran into the bathroom did what I needed to do then I got dressed,as I was about to slip my shoes on my bell rang.

" I'm coming I shouted as I put my shoes on and made my way downstairs, when I opened the door Paisley asked me if she could use the bathroom.

" Can you I asked as I moved to the side to let her in.

When She came out the bathroom I asked her where Reagan was and she told me she came by herself.

" Is she coming with us or nah Paisley,

" Yes but you gotta go get her.

" Just so you know I'm making you drive

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