Getting off easy

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I took my mom's advice and tried to see things from a different perspective, trey and I actually had another conversation when I came back home.

I can honesty say prayer works wonders, since I've stopped stressing over everything I've noticed I'm more calmer ,it's kind of funny because I've become Trey's voice of reason.

Today was the day of his hearing and he was beyond nervous," Baby I know you told me not to stress but what if I go to jail

" Calm down and take a deep breath, you can't think negatively and expect a positive result .

He was going to say something else but I stopped him ," come here

When he came closer to me I took his hands into mine and started to pray.

" Heavenly Father we are coming before you to first thank you for your many blessings and to ask that you allow your will be done in this hearing, I ask that you remove any fear that we may have and that you use this experience to help us grow in Jesus name I pray Amen.

I didn't realize that Trey was crying until I opened my eyes again," Babe everything is going to be fine I promise I said before hugging him.

Seeing him emotional like this really hurts especially when I know his intentions were good,I tried to shift his focus by trying to make him laugh but that didn't go too well.

" I appreciate your efforts to try and shift the focus of the situation into something positive but at the same time I can't laugh about anything right now he said as we got in the car.

I figured when we got to court we wouldn't have to see Devon, as soon as we walked inside the court room he tried to spark conversation with me.

I rolled my eyes as I went to sit down on the bench, a few minutes later the judge came out.

" What we have here today is case number9578121and this is a case pertaining to an assault , after reviewing the evidence as well as the statements given by both parties I've decided...

" Judge can I ask you a question?

" What is it Mr Anderson ?

" Will Trey be going to jail?

"As I was saying before I was interrupted ,after going over everything I've decided Tremaine will have to do a year of community service.

" He will also have to report to his probation officer every two weeks, failure to comply with the requirements will result in him being arrested

" Shaking my head after all my hard work all he gets is community service and probation, the justice system has really failed me.

" I wonder what idiot allowed you to become a judge

The judge ended up kicking Devon out of the court room but not before handing down his punishment ," Mr Anderson since you don't seem to have self control nor respect how about I send you to jail for a few months.

Devon smirked and said" Do what you feel needs to be done ,you can't lock me up forever.

Once Devon left the judge apologized for the stress Trey had to endure due to Devon's actions, Trey smiled and told her thank you for not sending him to jail

"I can tell by how you conducted yourself here today that you have a good head on your shoulders, Mr Campannelli the truth always comes out don't let this mishap discourage you .

Thank you god for allowing the truth to come out I thought to myself as we got back in the car.

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