It's amazing how things have changed since Avery and I broke up, I've become more confident and comfortable with myself.

Even though it's only been four weeks I felt a change in myself ,I've even started spending more time with Trey and I can honestly say he's become one of my best friends.

We're actually supposed to hangout later, he's taking me to go see Ride along2, this should be fun.

He told me he'd be coming at 8:30 but I had a feeling he'd show up early so I unlocked the door before I went to get dressed.

When I came back downstairs he was watching tv, when he saw me he got up and turned it off then walked over to me.

" Hey beautiful

" Hey Trey I said as I gave him a hug

" Are you ready to go ?

" Yes, I said as we walked towards the door and he opened it.

When we got to his car, he opened the door for me and waited until I was inside before he went to the driver's side.

When we got to movies he kept driving around until he found a parking spot closer to the entrance, I told him it didn't matter but he insisted he didn't want me walking too far.

Once he found one he helped me out of the car then went to hold the door for me as I walked into the movies.

I wasn't really used to people doing that, I mean Avery held doors open for me too but when Trey does it, it feels different.

Maybe I'm overreacting or something I thought to myself as we approached the ticket booth, I tried to pay for my ticket but Trey wouldn't let me.

" Hi can I have two tickets to see ride along 2

" That'll be fifteen dollars

" Here you go Trey said as he handed her a twenty dollar bill, she tried to hand him his change but he told to keep it.

" Enjoy the movie guys she said as she handed Trey the tickets.

" Thank you we said in unison before we headed upstairs.

After we found our seats Trey asked me if I wanted anything, I told him yes and I tried to give him money but he just mumbled something and walked away.

When he came back he had a bunch of snacks in his hands, " I got you popcorn,sour skittles and pink lemonade.

" Thank you I whispered as the movie started

" No problem he whispered

I was a little disappointed, I thought ride along 2 would be way more funnier but it was just Average, nonetheless I'm glad Trey wanted to hang out with me.

" Did you like the movie? Trey asked as we were walking back to the car.

" Yes I did , thank you

" You're welcome,but you don't have to thank me he said as he opened the door for me.

" Yes I do because you didn't have to do this.

"You have to learn to let people do things for you and trust that they don't have an ulterior motive for doing it, not everyone is trying to hurt you or trying to use you.

" I've always had trust issues but I feel like they intensified after Avery

" What Avery did was fucked up but it made you a stronger person,with that being said you've learn how to trust your instincts more so don't let Avery cloud your judgment.

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