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Thank goodness I didn't have class today , Trey would've had to fight me in order for me to leave the house .

Even though TJ's rash cleared up I didn't feel comfortable leaving him, Trey calls me overprotective.. He's my baby what do you expect.

Speaking of Trey he's suppose to be home already, I wonder where he is.

As I was about to call him he text me asking if I wanted anything, I told him no but knowing him he'll bring me food anyway.

Much like I thought he walked in with zaxby's ," Babe I told you I wasn't hungry.

" Did you eat anything

I shook my head no and he said " I figured that here.

I tried to protest but he ignored me and stared at me until I started eating, once he was satisfied he went to check on Tj even though he's sleeping.

I guarantee he's gonna wake him up since he hasn't seen him since this morning.

" Babe I just got him to go to sleep I said when he came back into the kitchen.

"Tj tell mommy stay over there and stop interrupting our bonding time.

I chuckled as I went to throw my trash away, " Are we still going to the carnival?

" Yeah I was waiting for you to finish eating, I put Tj's diaper bag in the car already.

" Alright come on

As soon as we got in the car and Trey started driving we ended up getting a flat,I tried to convince him to stay home but he insisted we were going to have a family day.

After he changed the tire he said he had to get more gas ,when he got back in the car I asked him when the last day of the carnival was and he said he wasn't sure.

I nodded my head and took a deep breath in an attempt to try and shake the uneasiness I felt but it was no use.

It wasn't until we arrived at the carnival and got out that my nervousness slightly subsided,as we started walking Trey asked me if I wanted to get on any rides and I told him no.

I don't know why because he's gonna make me get on something anyway,the first ride we saw was the hay rides.

" Baby let's go on a hay ride.

" How did I know you'd ask that

" I know you don't want to get on any roller coasters and we have Tj with us so this is the safest ride.

I was a little skeptical about getting on this ride with Tj being that he was still little, "Nothing's going to happen to him babe".

I finally agreed to get on the ride ,once it was over Trey told me he wanted to get on some more rides.

I told him go ahead I was going to see if Tj needed to be changed, while I'm walking towards the bathroom I hear someone calling me but I brush it off.

I was in the middle of putting Tj's pamper on when I felt someone behind me, "Hey Gabby, you look nice.

I waited until I finished what I was doing before I responded,"Thanks

" You're welcome he said before licking his lips

I was about to leave the bathroom when he blocked my way, " Excuse me

" Where you running off to, Trey can wait.

" Dev... , What does that nigga have that I don't he asked after he cut me off.

" Her now move Trey said popping up out of nowhere

He glared at Trey then said " When you come to your senses... we'll continue this conversation Gabby.

" Thanks for the offer but she'll pass

" I'm pretty sure I said Gabby, I didn't know the genders reversed

Trey smirked at him and I thought he was gonna walk away but he punched him which resulted in them fighting.

I'm yelling at Trey to stop but it's like I'm talking to a brick wall, eventually I just walked away.

Once he realized I walked away he called me trying to find out where I was , I didn't feel like talking to him so I texted him and told him I was by the car.

I wanted to slap the shit out of him when he came walking towards me, "Baby.

'' Unlock the door Trey

He shook his head as he put Tj in his carseat,I figured we'd be able to go home without anymore problems but boy oh boy was I wrong.

We were five minutes away from the house when we were pulled over, ",Sir are you Tremaine Campanelli the officer asked when he approached the car.

Trey nodded his head and the officer proceeds to tell him he is under arrest, " Why we asked in unison.

" For assaulting Devon Harrison

Trey was about to respond but I interjected "Officer Mr Harrison was harassing me ,Trey was only trying to defend me ... this is the second incident that we've had with him.

" Ma'am I completely understand but I still have to bring him in ,when we bring him to the precinct
he can also press charges against Mr Harrison if he'd like.

All I could do was shake my head as he made Trey get out of the car and place his hands behind his back.

I didn't want to bring Tj with me when I went to pick this fool up so I dropped him off at Mama T's house.

She told me she'd keep him until Sunday and drop him off , I told her thank you and she rolled her eyes at me before shooing me out the door.

While on my way to the precinct I called and asked if Trey could be bailed out and they told me he has to wait until tomorrow because he has to see a judge.

The amount of frustration I felt was ridiculous, this could've all been avoided had he not let Devon's ass get to him.

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