I ended up waking up before Trey so after I took a shower I went to wake him up but he wouldn't get up so I went to get a bucket of water and poured it on it.

" I should smack you , you play too much .

" I kept calling you  and you wouldn't get up so what do you expect.

" Now my fucking bed is wet and I'm cold as hell, I hope you know you're making my bed  when it dries.

" Next time get your ass up when I call you I said before walking out of his room so I could finish getting ready.

After I finished getting ready I went to check on Trey to make sure he was getting dressed , when I walked back into his room he was coming out the bathroom.

" Good boy

" Shutup and come help me put my tie on.

" Say please I said as I walked over to him.

"Hell no after you poured water on me , if anything you should be apologizing to me.

" You should be glad you have a caring girlfriend who came to wake you up while she was in the middle of getting ready.

" I'm very lucky to have you babe but you disrespectful for throwing water on me though.

" You wouldn't get up , how else was I supposed to wake you up.

" I have a couple of ideas

" Like what, as a matter of fact I don't wanna know because it probably was something nasty.

" See I wasn't even thinking anything nasty but now that you mention it , that would've definitely worked he said with a smirk.

" My point exactly I said as I finished fixing his tie, you look cute by the way.

"Of course I do,you never know who you may bump into.

" I'll keep that in mind I said before walking out his room.

A few minutes later he came walking out trying to talk to me but I ignored him.

" I was just playing Gabby he said as he walked over to me.

" I bet you were but I'm gonna keep that in mind though I said before we walked outside.

"Are you riding with me  or are you driving your car?

I thought about it then I told him I'm driving my car.

" Why you don't want to ride with me.

" One of the thots you may bump into might need a ride.

" Get in the car and stop playing

"I already told you I'm driving my car.

" And I already told you to get in the car, so why are you still standing there?

" You're so annoying I said as I got in and closed the door.

He smirked at me as we pulled off, I swear he just does and say shit to try and get a rise out of me.

The whole ride he tried to start a conversation with me but I ignored him until we pulled up to my school.

" See you later, I love you

" I love you too,good luck on your internship , I said before I closed the door.

As I was about to walk into the building someone stopped me and offered to open the door for me," Thank you I said with a smile before walking past him.

" Anytime, I'm Devon by the way

" I'm Gabriella, nice to meet you.

" Nice to meet you too, where are you headed he asked as we got on the elevator.

My psychology class I said before pressing the 2nd floor.

Surprisingly we were headed to the same place he kept talking the whole way there,to be honest I really didn't feel like talking but I didn't want to come off rude so I entertained him.

As we approached the class room Reed was opening the door ," Hey Gabriella.

" Hey how are you ?

" I'm good and you

" I'm okay

"That's good , we have to hang out sometime, he said before walking into the class room.

"Most definitely,I actually wanted to talk to you and Paisley about coming to PA with me and Trey in two weeks.

"I'm down I'll ask paisley and see what she says.

I told him alright and found a seat , we had to copy notes then we had to answer questions.

I finished my work then I handed it to Reed , I actually waited until the bell rang before I left.

As  I was leaving Devon stopped me and asked "can I get your number ?

" Devon you seem like a nice guy but I have a boyfriend

" Oh come on he don't have to know.

I just ignored him and walked out but he followed me, lord give me the strength.

" So can I get it or nah

" I don't know if you heard me correctly but I told you I have a boyfriend.

" Obviously I don't care and you shouldn't either

" Well I do I said before we got on the elevator .

As soon as the doors opened again Trey was standing there , thank god because I don't think I can take anymore of Devon running his mouth.

" Hey babe who's your friend

" Hey babe this is Devon, Devon this is My boyfriend Trey I said before giving him a kiss.

Devon glared at me and I just smirked as we walked towards the car," What was that about Trey asked as he opened the door for me.

" Nothing I said before sitting down.

" You sure he asked when he got in the car.

" Mhmm

He didn't look convinced but he took my word for it anyway.

The rest of the ride was kinda awkward but I figured it was because we both didn't really feel like talking.

I really hope Devon doesn't become a problem , if so I know it isn't gonna be pretty.

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