A.Y.S prt2

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Since Trey decided he was cooking , I used that time to feed and bathe Tj and he fell right to sleep afterwards.

Which was good because that gave me time to take a shower before I went back into the kitchen since Tj spit up on me , " I was starting to wonder where you were.

" Your son spit up on me

" I trained him well he said with a smirk as he handed my food to me

" I hope the next time you change him you get peed on.

He ignored me and started eating and I couldn't help but to smile at the thought of that actually happening.

" You're seriously a creep , I bet you're picturing that happening to me he said as he got up and put his plate in the sink.

I waited until I finished eating before I responded, " You have to admit that would be kind of funny.

"Not really but okay he said before leaving the kitchen.

I figured he was going to check on Tj but a few minutes later I heard the shower running.

As I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher I heard Tj's cries on the baby monitor, when I walked in his room his crying got louder.

I picked him up to see if his pamper was wet ,it was dry but I noticed he had a rash on his legs.

I carefully laid him back down while I went to get Trey, when I walked into my room he was getting dressed.

" Babe we have to take TJ to the emergency room

" Why what's wrong with him?

" He has a rash

" It's probably from the shot he got earlier, I'll take him and tell you what they say.

" I want to go with you though

'' Nah stay here , I don't want you to get worked up.

Eventually I agreed to stay home while Trey found out what was wrong with TJ.

Hours had past and I ended up dozing off only to be woken up a few minutes later by my phone ringing.

" Hello

" Babe they  found  out what was wrong with Trey, they said he's allergic to LaTeX.

" Did they give him anything to get rid of the rash?

" They gave him some ointment to put on his skin

" Are you guys coming home now

"Yes, they gave me a tube of ointment and a prescription for more so I'm gonna fill it before I come back.

I told him alright before hanging up and going back to sleep or atleast trying to, I just laid there until I heard Trey walk in.

I didn't feel like getting back up so I waited until he walked in the room , " How many times did they say he has to put it on his skin?

" Three times a day he said before he disappeared into the bathroom.

I didn't think it was possible but Trey becomes more amazing to me everyday

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