As soon as we got back to the house I rushed into the bathroom because I felt like I wanted to puke but nothing came up, I really hope I'm not getting sick.

I'm gonna wait a week or so to see how I'm feeling before I bring it up to Trey but for now I'm gonna get ready for this date.

While I was in the shower Trey picked out an outfit for me and hung it on the back of the door for me,when I came out the bathroom Trey was already dressed.

"Don't you look like a snack all magically delicious and what not

" You look cute too , now come on before we get side track I said as I walked away from him.

As soon as we got in the car  Trey seemed kind of nervous but he tried to play it off by making small talk.

"You're officially a part of the family now

" I'm glad I got a chance to meet your family and that they like me.

" You're actually the first girl I introduced to my  family.

I felt extra special hearing him say that  but before I could get too excited I had to  know why and I had a  feeling I was about to find out.

"Before I met you I had the mind set that relationships weren't for me and  I didn't want to complicate things for myself if I knew I had no intentions of  making things official with any of the females I messed around with.

" As corny as this may sound when I first saw you I  felt drawn to you and I knew then that I had to have you in my life, it was most definitely a sign  from the lord.

I was about to say something when we pulled up to this park called Four Square, something is definitely up .

Trey didn't make it any better ,after he open the door for me and I  got out he started  walking really slowly, don't get me wrong the scenery was pretty but he's making me nervous as hell.

After what seemed like forever we stopped in front of a water fall , I was gonna ask him what we were doing here but  when he turned in my direction I noticed he had a box in his hand.

" I've been contemplating what I would say over and over in my head but nothing sounds right to me so I'm just going to just say how I feel and hope it comes out right,  "This promise ring is a token of my love  for you and my vow to you that no matter what we may encounter that we won't give up on each other he said before slipping the ring on my finger.

He already had his on so I didn't have to top his cute ass speech ,thank goodness because I probably would've been crying even more.

" This ring is beautiful, thank you babe I said before kissing him.

" You're welcome beautiful

We stayed at the park for two more  hours then we went back home, Trey's surprise was a nice end to the day.

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