Learning your fate

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I had a hard time sleeping last night , what makes matters worse is today's the day Trey finds out if he's able to be bailed out or not.

As I was getting dressed my phone started ringing," Hello

" Babe, I just finished talking talking to the judge

" How much is your bail?

" 500, and I have a hearing next Friday

"Okay I should be at the precinct in 30 minutes I said before hanging up.

I hurried up and finished getting dressed so I could get this dumb ass ,when I got in the car I said a mini prayer before I started driving.

For some reason I was extremely nervous when I pulled in front of the precinct, when I walked inside Trey was waiting for me and next to him was a man in a suit.

I thought he was his attorney but when I went to speak to him  he told me he collects bail , Trey  better be glad I kind of love him right now.

" I'll pay you back I swear he whispered as we walked to the car.

I wasn't in the mood to have a conversation with him so I ignored him until we got home, since neither of us had anything to eat I decided to make us breakfast.

Trey offered to help me cook when he came out of the shower but I told him I didn't need any help.

I decided to make pancakes, eggs and home fries,when I was done I made his plate and gave it to him while I took mine in the room with me.

After I ate I fell asleep and when I woke back up Trey was staring at me , " I know you're mad at me right but you have to see things from my point of view.

"What point do you have

" I was defending you

" From what ,Devon's shit talking?

" I keep telling you he's not worth losing your temper or your freedom over.

" I hear you babe but as  a man I'm just not gonna let certain shit slide

" You have me already so let him talk all the shit he wants

" You're right, I'm sorry for ruining our family day

" It's alright

"I love you

" I love you too but with that being said you're sleeping on the couch tonight

" Come on babe I know I fucked up , I said I was sorry

'' You could be going to jail next week and I'm supposed to be okay with that.

" I'm not saying that, all I'm saying is you know he was asking for it... You're acting like he was a innocent bystander and I just attacked him.

" That's your interpretation of what I'm saying to you ,I'm not going to keep going back and forth with you

" I can't believe how you're acting right now

" Move Trey because you sound so stupid, I'm trying to give you some words of wisdom and you can't believe how I'm acting.

" How would you feel  if Tj  was out fighting every time someone  said something he didn't like.

" He's still a baby so the most he'd probably do is cry

Since he wants to be stupid I got up and left ,I didn't know where I was going but I needed to go somewhere.

When I got in the car my mom called me," Hello

"Hey sweetie how are you

" I'm okay and you

"I'm fine, are you busy?

" No

" Do you want to go to a movie with me

"Sure , I should be at your house in an hour

She told me okay then she hung up, when I started driving my phone rang again but I let it go to voicemail.

Once I got to my mom's house I checked to see who called me , it was Trey so I turned my phone off.

Since I didn't feel like getting out of the car I honked the horn and waited for my mom to come outside, when she got inside of the car I asked her what we were going to see  and she told me before the bough breaks.

I thought we'd be going inside the movie theater but we went to a drive thru instead, who knew they still had those.

Once the movie ended we went back to her house, I needed to talk to her anyway.

" Mommy can I talk to you about something I asked when we walked in the house.

" Sure ,what's wrong?

" There's this guy name Devon , we have class together and every time he sees Trey he tries to start with him.

"The other day Trey and I went to the carnival with Tj, Devon sees me  and follows me into the bathroom while I'm changing Tj and starts harassing me so Trey stepped in which resulted in the two of them fighting.

" Due to them fighting Trey got arrested, he has a hearing next Friday and  if he gets convicted he could do up to a year in jail.

"Was that the first time they got into a fight?

" No it was the second time , the first time I wasn't with him but when he came back home he told me what happened, I told him not to let him get under his skin.

" I know you're probably upset but you have to understand Gabriella ,as  a man he feels the need to protect himself/you.

" I get that mom but if I'm telling him to ignore him why disregard what I'm saying.

" Pride  ,is that a good basis to go on no but if someone keeps trying to push your buttons something's bound to happen.

" Do you think I'm wrong for being mad at him

"I can see  it from both sides, try to be understanding to his feelings

" I hope after this hearing  Trey nor I  have to deal with Devon anymore.

" I'm sure he'll leave you guys alone, just pray and God will handle the rest.

We talked for the rest of the day , I  ended up spending the night at her house since she wouldn't let me leave being that it was late when I told her I was going home.

I texted Trey letting him know where I was ,he didn't respond to me until early in the morning asking me when I was coming back.

He'll see when he sees me I thought to myself as I put my shoes back on.

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