The more time I spend with Trey the more I realize how difficult it's gonna be to take things slow with him, he's slowly breaking down the remaining walls that I have up.

I just have to get over the fact that Avery and I 's break up is still recent and I don't want to deal with drama, but if I want to be happy I have to focus on me and my happiness instead of what everyone else thinks.

I invited Paisley over so I could talk to her but I decided to take her to lunch instead,if I want to move forward freely I have to learn to make decisions on my own sometimes.

When she got to my house I told her there was a change in plans, we were going to lunch instead of sitting in the house.

"Where are we going,she asked as we were getting in the car.

" I was thinking Olive Garden

" They have the best bread sticks

" Really I've never been there before.

" you're gonna love the food,trust me.

I didn't realize Olive Garden would be walking distance, it literally took us 16 minutes to get there but I had a hard time finding parking luckily someone was leaving.

As soon as we walked in we were seated and a few minutes later a waiter came to take our orders, " Hi my name is Taylor and I'll be your waiter are you guys ready to order?.

Paisley and I both ordered chicken Alfredo with a raspberry lemonade, " Do you guys want any appetizers?

"We'd like some bread sticks and salad, "Would you guys like anything else?.

I told her no and she told me our food should be ready shortly, as soon as our food came both paisley and I wasted no time eating.

Once we were done paisley offered to help pay for the food but I told her don't worry about it," How have things been with you Gabs because you're over there glowing.

" Things have been really good, how have things been with you?

" Good I can't complain, have you spoken to Avery?

" No I haven't

" He keeps harassing Reed trying to get him or I to talk to you

'' I don't have anything to say to him and I don't want to hear anything he has say,he should've thought about my feelings before he started fucking with Reagan.

"When  and if you do , I'm here for you.

" Thank you but I don't think that would be anytime soon.

We talked for a little while longer then we headed back to the car and I drove her back home, as I was driving home Trey called me.


" Hey babe, what are you doing?

" Going back home

" You should come over later

" Why don't you come over to my house.

" Are you sure, what if Avery stops by.

"I'm not worried about him.

" I just don't feel comfortable going over there  right now.

I tried to convince him he had nothing to worry about but he wasn't budging,so I told him I'd be there in 40minutes.

After I got some extra clothes and anything else I needed, I headed over to Trey's house and when I got there he wasn't even home but his door was unlocked.

The first thing I did was take a shower, a few minutes after I came out the bathroom Trey was coming in the door.

" Hey

" Hey baby, how was your day?

"It was okay, how was yours?

" It was alright,but it just got better because you're here.

" You're so corny but I love it though.

" Are you staying over tonight?

" Am I

" If it was up to me I'd move you in but you ain't ready for all that though so I'll just settle for seeing you when I see you.

" Boy I see you almost every day

" Key word almost , if I saw you everyday that would be amazing.

"If we saw each other every day you wouldn't be able to miss me and vice versa but to answer your question, yes I am staying over.

" Speaking of which I have something to tell you.

" What is it?

" I know I said I wanted to take things slow but I realize that's extremely hard so..

" So you're saying you want to make things official.

" I was gonna say that had you not cut me off

" I'm sorry but think of it this way , I'm finishing your sentences isn't that cute .

" Not really I said as I playfully rolled my eyes.

" Not really blah blah blah Trey said mimicking me.

" You better be glad you're cute

" Correction I'm sexy as fuck, don't try and play me.

Cocky much

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