When I woke up Trey still wasn't home yet, I just hope and pray nothing stupid happened because I don't have time for anymore bullshit.

As I was coming out the bathroom Trey was coming in the door when he saw me he had a guilty look on his  face and  he walked past me and walked into his room without saying anything.

I was tempted to knock on his door to see what was wrong with him but I decided to wait until he comes out of his room which wasn't until two hours later.

" Babe can I talk to you real quick

" Sure what's up

" when I told you I'd be right back I want to Reagan's house to talk to her and when  I got there, everything was going good then out of nowhere while we talking she started crying I went to hug her then  as I'm about to walk away she pulled me back to where she was and kissed me.

"I'm not gonna lie I kissed her back but once I realized what I did I left and I stayed  at a hotel.

I just stared at him , I was at a loss for words,'' Babe say something Trey said as he came closer to me.

" Trey what the fuck you want me to say huh.

" My only intention was to go talk to her , I didn't mean to kiss her, I got caught up in the moment I'm sorry he said as he tried to hug me.

" Trey don't you fucking  touch me , you know she was the cause of me and Avery breaking up and you wanna play captain save a hoe when she call you with some bull shit story about how he hit her , fuck you , her and him.

" Gabby I didn't mean to hurt you, I just felt bad when she told me that because females being hit by dudes don't sit right with me.

" Trey that bitch was trying to set you up and she succeeded, fuck it though.

" You gonna let this one mistake cause us to be on bad terms?

" I will not look stupid again I said as I started crying.

" Stop crying  ,you know how I feel about you and I'm sorry for making you question my loyalty.

I heard everything that he was saying but I still was upset so I told him I'd see him later

" Fuck that, I know you mad at me but you not going anywhere, ignore me if you want but you not leaving here when you calm down let me know.

This is gonna be stressful as fuck , I could feel it I thought to myself as I went back in the guest room.

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