Going home

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Today is the day I get discharged from the hospital, I honestly don't want to go home because I feel like  I'm not prepared to take care of Trey junior by myself.

I know you're probably thinking
why am I scared when I'm going to have Trey helping me, he's only taking a few days off then he's going back to work.

Speaking of Trey he was supposed to be here two hours ago ,I  asked him to go get Trey's car seat from home ....I wonder what's taking him so long.

Luckily I already did everything I needed to and spoke with the doctors because when Tremaine gets here he's gonna hear an ear full.

As a matter of fact I'm gonna call him right now, as soon as I took my phone out he came walking in.

" Hey babe

" Hi, what took you so long

" I was having a hard time putting the car seat in

" You could've called and told me that

"You're right I'm sorry

" It's alright

" Do you have everything, have you signed your discharge papers?

" Yes to both of your questions

" Alright come on then

I handed Trey to him while I got in the wheelchair, he was trying his hardest to suppress his laughter.

Even though I had an idea why he was about to start laughing , I asked him what was so funny.

" Remember the first time we hung out and how you almost fell.

" How could I forget how you tried to injure me, thank God I still had my crutches in my hands.

" That was an accident and you know it

" Boy please, your idea and my idea of accident are two different things.

" We just have to agree to disagree then ... Enough of the small talk let's get home.

" Says the guy who was two hours late I mumbled as he handed TJ back to me.

He smirked before he started pushing me, truthfully I don't even know why I'm sitting down right now.

I'm perfectly capable of walking, they kept me in the hospital for 6 weeks because for some unknown reason my stitches came out and in turn I ended up getting sick.

Part of the reason I think I got so sick aside from my stitches coming undone is because I wasn't really eating how I should.

When we  finally got in the car and Trey started driving, he took the longest way possible to get to the house.

I guarantee when we get to the house his family and my mom is gonna be there along with Reed and Paisley.

Much like I predicted there was a whole bunch of cars in the driveway when we pulled up, " You planned a welcome home party didn't you.

He ignored me and went to bring Trey into the house, a few minutes later paisley came outside.

" Hey boo she said as we exchanged hugs

" Hey LeLe I  said as I  got out of the car

" How are you feeling

" I'm fine and you

" I'm alright, I missed you

" I missed you too I said as we walked into my house.

I couldn't even get through the door all the way before I was attacked with hugs.

" Are you hungry MaMa T asked once she let me go

I nodded my head before I went to sit down

A few seconds later Mama T resurfaced with a huge plate of food, " Thank you.

" You're welcome sweetie

After I finished eating I went to check on Trey, he was sleeping so I went back into the living room.

Everyone stayed for a few more hours then they left , my mom and Trey's mom both told me to call them if I needed anything.

I told them I would after giving them both a hug , after they left I put the food away and while I was doing that Trey walked in the kitchen.

" Yo why are you so hard headed

"I'm going to lay down after I put the food away

" I would've did that , for someone who just gave birth a few weeks ago you sure don't act like it.

" I can't lay down and not do anything, it makes me feel useless.

" We talked about this before, it's good you're independent but it's also good to let me help you once in awhile.

" Will you please relax and go lay down

" Fine I said with a pout

" I love you he said with a smirk

" Yeah ,Yeah , Yeah I love you too

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