False alarm or is it time

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I thought the cramps were over but this little boy wouldn't give up messing up my stomach, the cramps were unbearable and they wouldn't go  away.

The bad part is I was in the middle of taking a test when my cramps started, I figured I could finish my test but my little munchkin had other plans I guess.

I managed to get Reed's attention and he came over to me, " What's up Gabs he whispered.

" I have to leave, I'm having cramps

" Go ahead, I hope everything is okay

" Thank you I said before getting up and leaving.

As I was going downstairs I called Trey and it went to voicemail.

He better not call me back while I'm driving either ,I thought to myself as I got in the car.

Once I started driving it seems like the pain became worse , I had to keep pulling over in the hopes the pain will subside.

Of course that didn't help, what made me extra upset is I tried to call Trey yet again and he still didn't answer.

When I finally got to the hospital I could barely walk, I said a mini prayer before I stumbled out of the car.

As I walked into the hospital Trey's dumb ass decided to call me back , "Hello

" What happened, I just seen that you called me

" I called you because I could barely walk nor drive

" I thought you were in class , why are you driving.

" The cramps started again

" Are you still driving?

" No I'm at the hospital

" Have they told you anything

" No I just got here

" I wonder if little man is gonna come today

" Who knows, I see Dr Lee right now I'll call you back

He told me alright then hung up , " Dr. Lee

" Hey Gabriella, are you having cramps again

" Yes

" Can you walk

" Barely

A nurse  was coming towards us , Dr Lee stopped her and her to bring a wheel chair.

A few minutes later I was being wheeled to the O.R , Dr. Lee told me I'm probably gonna have Trey today.

Before she preformed the C- section she ran some test on me to make sure everything was according to her liking, the results didn't come back until a few hours later.

Wben she walked in I was on the phone with Trey, I was telling him I might have the baby today.

" Gab I'm coming now, where are you?

" Alright, I'm in the O.R

" Are they prepping you now

" Dr. Lee is about to in a few minutes.

" I think I found the room you're in he said before hanging up.

When Trey walked in he told me my mom, his parents and Paisley were sitting in the waiting room with Reed.

" Are you ready Gabriella Dr.Lee asked as she prepped me

I nodded my head but honestly I wish I could be sleeping while she  took Trey out, she offered me epidural but since I'm afraid of needles I said no.

Trey grabbed my hand as Dr. Lee began  cutting me, I expected it to be more painful but it wasn't that bad.

Pretty soon I heard the loudest cry ever and came face to face with the most beautiful baby, " What are you going to name this handsome little munchkin Dr. Lee asked before she took him away from me.

" Tremaine Alexander Campanelli is what  I'm naming him.

" Mr Trey's weight is 6 pounds ,6oz and he is 10 inches long.

Words can't explain how happy I am , I thank God he allowed him to be healthy.

Once Dr. Lee brought him back to me , I handed him to Trey  and I heard sniffling so I turned my head and I saw tears sliding down his face.

I was gonna ask him why he was crying but I ended up falling asleep.

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