You stress me out I swear

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I'm seriously having second thoughts about this gender reveal party, Trey is seriously getting on my everlasting nerves. He wants to control everything and I barely get to have any say in what I want ,since he wants to be so controlling he can do everything his damn self and he better not ask me nothing.

I get he help create my little munchkin but if you want to be technical, I'm doing the majority of the work but whatever.

After I walked away from him , a few minutes later he came looking for me. Which I don't understand why , all he's gonna say is " All I'm trying to do is help.

Much like I thought he came strolling in the room asking why I left and saying I was only trying to help , I just stared at him.

" Okay fine ,that was a stupid question can you please help me finish making the list of the things we need please.

" Nobody told you to change the date, now everything has to be rushed and thrown together.

" Can you please just help me

" What do you need help with I asked as I followed him back into the kitchen.

" I need you to do me a favor, can you go get some more balloons and some more food for me please.

I nodded my head and went to put my shoes on, Trey said he'll text me and tell me what we needed since he was in the middle of cooking when I left.

As I was driving I called paisley, I had a feeling Trey's list was going to be long so I need all the help I can get.

Thank goodness she wasn't doing anything and she agreed to help me ,after I picked her up we went to the super market to get the food first then to the party store.

By the time I paid for everything and dropped her off I was exhausted, trey better still up when I get home.

When I pulled up to the house trey was taking the garbage out ,after he threw the garbage away he came to get some of the bags out of the car.

" I thought you'd never come back he said when he came back to the car

" You should've came with me then

" I wanted to I really did but I was cooking

" No really Trey I said as I got out of the car

" Yup really

I rolled my eyes at him and he's gonna say ," You asked me a question so I answered you.

This boy I swear, I'll be glad when this gender reveal is all over.

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