It's been a week since we came to PA and Paisley and Reed decided to go home early so Trey drove them back , he asked me if I wanted to come with him but I said no.

That was almost three hours ago ,I wonder what happened to him I thought to myself as I was about to call him but he walked through the door.

" Hey babe

"Hi he said dryly

" what's wrong with you

" Nothing

" It doesn't seem that way to me

" Yo I said I'm fine just drop it .

Instead of responding I walked out the door, I don't have time for his little attitude.

Thankfully Gianna, Harmony and Imani called me and asked if I wanted to hang out ,I told them I'd let them know but since Trey wants to have an attitude I'm definitely going out .

It took me awhile to get to mama T "s but thankfully when I did they were all standing outside waiting for me ," Hey boo they said in unison as they got in the car .

" Hey how are you guys

"We're doing good , how are you

" I'm alright, where do you guys want to eat?

They said it didn't matter so we went to this soul food spot , when we walked inside Gia and I found a place to sit while Harmony and Imani went to place the orders.

While we were waiting for them to come back Gia asked me if Trey and I made up yet , I told yes and how when I found out Charles was the master mind behind the incident I punched him in the face .

She bust out laughing and said " He deserved it and I'm glad y'all made up because I was sick of Trey crying about how he didn't want to lose you.

I was crying from laughing so hard ,when she said that she tried to imitate Trey's voice .

" Leave my baby alone I said in between laughs

" Nah that nigga is whipped as hell , I'm surprised he hasn't called you yet

A few seconds later my phone started ringing, of course it was Trey so Gia started being extra laughing obnoxiously.

" Hello

" Hey babe when you get home I have to talk to you about something.

" Is it bad , what's it about?

" Gabby chill I'll tell you when you get here.

I told him okay but I was a mix between curious and panicked,I didn't even eat my food when they brought it to the table.

I waited until they were done before I asked for a to go box ,when we got in the car I started speeding back to mama T 's house .

It took me five minutes to get back to her house, before I pulled off I told them I'd call them later.

Trey was watching TV when I walked in , before going to sit down I went to put my food away.

"What did want to talk about babe I asked when I walked back in the living room.

" After I dropped Paisley and Reed off I noticed a car was following me , I..

"Who was it

"I was getting to that but you wanna interrupt my story and shit , it was Devon

" What did he want

"To get his ass beat ,he followed me to the gas station... While I'm pumping my gas he decided to spark conversation but I ignored him until he started getting slick at the mouth.

'' I guess he caught an attitude or some shit,he gonna say the only reason you with me is because you pregnant and it's only a matter of time before he scoops you up.

" I wasn't with all the talking so I punched him and next thing I know I'm being pulled off of him

'' He just said that to get a rise out of you and he got that , don't give him the satisfaction of seeing upset.

" I hear you but I couldn't let what he said to me slide

" You have to learn how to have more self control

" I do but babe you don't understand he rubs me the wrong way

In an attempt to change the subject I told him I wanted to go house hunting, surprisingly he agreed.

He asked me what day I wanted to go and I told him I'd let him know when I found some houses I liked.

" That's gonna take forever, we both know you can be very picky at times, " I already know the kind of house I want.

"Don't you mean we babe

'' I'm gonna do all the decorating so no Trey I don't.

" you probably gonna try and make the house girly as fuck

"Baby I was only playing, you know you're included in every decision I make.

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