Since having that talk with Trey , I've been doing some soul searching and I've come to the realization that until I learn to love myself nobody else will.

So lately I've been laying low until I feel comfortable talking to Avery again.

He's been calling me nonstop, he even came to my house a couple times but luckily I wasn't home.

I started doing this twelve day self love challenge and I was on day6 which consisted of me congratulating myself for something I've accomplished.

I decided to treat myself to the spa and I must say that was much needed, who knew I had all this pinned up stress.

After the spa I went shopping then out to eat, I can honestly say quality time with myself is refreshing , I should take time to myself more often.

When I got back home there were flowers at my door, I picked them up and read the card attached.

"Wanted to let you know , I was thinking of you❤️

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